Put in 11 Silkie eggs yesterday 4/25...anyone else put some in yesterday?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 17, 2014
This is our first time hatching, so I hope for some success. We had three from our Silkies and I bought 8 more Silkie hatching eggs locally yesterday and we set them all in. I decided to find the additional eggs for greater chance of getting chicks. I am excited to see what colors we get from the ones I picked up yesterday. Our three if succesful, will be Buff, the others should be an interesting mix...maybe some Splash, Porcelains, white, black and/or buffs. I would love love to get a Splash or a Porcelain. The kid I got them from has some lovely Silkies!
So far, for the moment, it looks like 7 out of the 11 are developing well....we will check at day 14 and and see where we are at.
Most of mine were developing well but yesterday was the 21st day and I only have two pips today. I'm hoping I just wrote down day one on the wrong day because otherwise I drowned em all by accidentally letting the humidity hit 90 for a day.
I just had one hatch just a few minutes ago and another with an external pip...all are still wiggling and wriggling, so I hope they follow this one soon!
I have another one working it's way out...not much from the others yet. I know I calculated a little wrong. Today is actually day 21!
Just got chick # 2! A third one is looking like it's gonna start working soon too, lots of wiggling going on with a small pip.
I have a fourth that is newly pipped. So exciting! Though I need to walk away as they stumble around for the first hour or so. :( The first one is getting much steadier, the recent hatchling keep flipping over, but rights himself pretty quick. He is also a bit smaller.

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