Putting 2 mean chicks outside in the chicken coop


Sep 24, 2020
So I have two 3 week old mean chicks that instigate pecking and harming the other chicks that are 2 and 3 weeks old.

I put those two outside with my two big chicks (9 weeks old) that absolutely hate them.

I had to do that or else all my little chicks will be injured in some way.
And unless you're watching them the entire time, odds are those two little ones will be beaten and bloody when you check on them, if not starving because they can't get enough food.
I already had 4 little chicks injured by those two (they usually peck at the waddle area), so I'm not sure what else to do.
Either seperate the brooder down the middle longwise or get a second brooder. It's too cold most places for a chick to be outside without a broody when they aren't completely feathered in
Are you able to divide one of the pens?
That way you could put the mean chicks where they will not be hurt, but where they cannot hurt the other chicks either.

How warm is it where you live? I see your profile says Arizona, but I'm not familiar with the climate there--the 3-week chicks might still need supplemental heat if they're outdoors.
I already had 4 little chicks injured by those two (they usually peck at the waddle area), so I'm not sure what else to do.
You can leave them in the brooder with the other chicks, just tape up a piece of wire. This way they can grow up together and see each other but not pick on each other and maybe they will get over it.
I already had 4 little chicks injured by those two (they usually peck at the waddle area), so I'm not sure what else to do.
Personally I would find a way to separate them in the coup by putting some sort of fencing wire between them and the other birds when they are not being observed.
Either seperate the brooder down the middle longwise or get a second brooder. It's too cold most places for a chick to be outside without a broody when they aren't completely feathered in
They have most of their feathers (just missing their head feathers) and are the biggest chicks that are 3 weeks old.
I only have a seperate brooder for injured chicks only.

So far the two chicks were in the chicken coop for half a day and night and have done pretty well.
They just constantly run away from the big 9 week old chicks that hate them.
And when food is put out, the 9 week old ones will keep the 3 week old ones from eating any

That is easy to check: either watch the chicks, or sometimes pick up the small ones and feel their crops. They should have full crops most of the day, and it's especially important for them to have full crops at bedtime.

Being chased away from the food is certainly a possibility to watch out for, but it's not a guaranteed thing.

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