putting them in the LG tomorrow want to join me?

yup most were purchased by a great lady named Lisa. I am so sad. I would love to get eggs from you let me know what shipping is like. I so need a BR roo as I only got pullets. my pullets are 11 weeks old now I got them for my birthday from my daughter and they were 3 weekers when i got them. Lovely girls those BR gals.

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Maya my serama laying girl has a different comb than any of my other chickies.. it has a bit of a curl in it. is there a word fot this. I was going to try to straiten it, but i sorta like it like it is. VERY cortiour!!!!

How is everyone doing? My first incubation is moving right along. I am on Day 13 and I think lockdown is next Tues. I placed the eggs in the bator on Friday morning early 2 weeks ago tomorrow. In an attempt to learn I have probably been candleing these more than I should be.

I keep going to the candleing pics on here and looking and comparing. I really wish I better understood what I am looking at. All I can see is that most of my eggs are filling up. Some more than others. I see air sacs on one end of the egg. How do most of you hatch your eggs, on the rack or in an egg carton?
HI, I use egg cartons but I am not sure it makes a significant difference.
I've read a ton of info both ways.
One time I did have a chick pip on the narrow end and did not see it because i t was covered by the carton.
( I lost that chick)
Anyway...good luck to you.sounds like you are doing great.

Hi everyone! I candled today and I am on day 12 I think. One day behind Harley Jo. I saw movement in all but one of the 12 eggs I have set, and the one I couldn't see has a dark thick shell, so I saved it. So far so good as far as my bad egg not infecting the rest of what I have!
I am hoping the rest will be fine.

I don't hatch in egg cartons, but I do put a layer of rubber shelf liner on my metal tray and that is easy breezy to clean up when it is all done. The eggs do get rolled around by hatched chicks, but not too badly and the rubberized surface gives them something easy to grip with their feet.

I am so excited to see what we all get!

Donna, I cannot believe you still have the Seramas in your kitchen! I don't know how you do it! A much greater love for your chickens than I have
I hope your chickens know how lucky they are
They are on a dedicated animal counter in my huge kitchen where i have a sick cage for any of my dogs who fall ill. The sick cage is also a "jail cage in case one of my dogs is grumpy with the others. We dont tolerate bad behaviour.
OMG what a mess I am in I have 7 of the eggs i laid out on the 20th as well as 4 fertile eggs from maya laid afterwards. I had planned to get another bator by now. but my Hubby lost his job (thru no fault of his own) so i must wait to get that second bator. I am going to try putting mayas eggs in a tupperware container with a few holes in it when i do lockdown to keep them from becoming over humidified. do you all think it will work? is there a better idea ? i only have until tuesday to figure this one out.


Ive been getting an egg every other day from maya, today I was presented with 2 eggs so molly is laying now as well. Mollys egg is the smallest (it is her first one), 4 are from maya, the big one is a regular sized egg from lisa which is going into lockdown tomorrow (hoping for roo from that big one).
Donna, Congrats on all the eggs you are getting from Maya and Molly! Those tiny eggs crack me up and are sooo cute!
I bet you can't wait to see what their babies will bring! How is everything else going? Have you decided what to do with your staggered hatch? Have you thought about making a hatcher out of an old cooler? Just a thought as I know there are many on here that have done that and I'm sure you could find one. Let me know how it goes!

Harley jo ~ good luck on lock down!
Here's hoping for a fabulous hatch! Please post pictures when you have babies! I don't go into lockdown until Wednesday night, so we won't have babies probably until late Friday, or Saturday! Keep us posted!
Hi Autumn and everyone!!!! I am on lockdown, with 6 eggs going into lockdown. removed maya's 4 eggs put it in a homemade thingy for the lockdown period. I work on thursday so i hope they wait for me to get home before hatching. but I will only be gone 5 hrs.

Puppies are starting to walk and try to get into moosklas food. Moosklas pushes them away. I can NOT believe they are all 5 alive. I should have lost 3 of them. you all have no idea how scrawny they were with very little suction power. and 2 of them had a heavy tummy sucking when they were breathing.. I so wanted another hairless to show, none from this litter though. I have to figure out who I want to breed next. at this time no plans are made though.

I have 5 eggs in stasis right now. the oldest one is now 5 days old so i have 5 more days to get them into the bator. so nine eggs have been laid on my property that are fertile ( not sure about mollys tiny egg yet though.

Got a cool pen finished up for when i get my polish crested. there is a castle in it!!! I put the WLH in it intil i get rid of them. I will say no one has beed pecked on from that crowd in 3 weeks or so. maybe i will kepp them after all.

thats all for now Donna

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