Pyxis' Emu Chat Thread

I found these videos to be interesting. :D

Thanks for the videos. My kids were fascinated and rather anxious that the second baby wasn't going to make it!

@Pyxis congrats and good luck! It would be very difficult for me to wait all that time! You've gone from one extreme (your Button quail) to the other. I'll be following along with interest!
Wow @Pyxis that is just so cool! The egg is beautiful and HUGE! I’ll be excited to see how everything turns out. I’m totally ignorant in this department but can you candle those dark colored eggs?

You don't :) You actually can't. You have to wait until the egg is about 30 days along at least and then you can start trying some things to check that it is alive.
The second two eggs arrived today :wee

They were packed a little differently than the first egg, which, since it was a single egg, had room to be double boxed. These were sent single-boxed, but inside the box, two 'boxes' were made around them with hard foam-like pieces.

emu eggs 1.JPG

The eggs were marked by the breeder with an X and O, for turning purposes I assume. They were drawn on with a fabric pencil, which I read is a great way to mark emu eggs:

emu eggs 2.JPG

The egg with the 'O' facing up had a little condensation on it when unpacked. Hopefully that's nothing to worry about.

Meanwhile, Egg 22 got its tag and got weighed:

emu egg 22.JPG

It weighs 569.00 grams.

Last minute incubator checks are occurring, and then 22 is going into the incubator.

The breeder of the other two eggs also sent me a very nice handwritten guide for incubating these eggs, and said that the eggs should sit for six to eight hours after arrival, but may then be set. So, the other two eggs will probably also go into the incubator today, after they sit for a bit and get tagged and weighed.
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