Pyxis' Emu Chat Thread

I took 22 and the gosling into a bigger room to let them run around a bit. 22 did not like this. He does not like this room, apparently, and starting yelling until I hauled him onto my lap.

The gosling was happy as a clam.

:love. He's so big already!
Dudley (my pug dog for those who don't know) heard 22 and kept tilting his head every time 22 chirped. :lau
Trumpeter swans. They could definitely use some expert hatching to help conserve the species. Of course, no hatching job would be complete with Trumpeter Swans, unless Pyxis donned a white feather suit and jumped around to teach them the mating ritual. Then, of course, she would have to learn how to pilot an Ultra-light to teach them the migration path.

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