Pyxis' Emu Chat Thread

Just had a bit of a three ring circus here. The emus are in their brooders for the night and I needed to change them. I popped Ciara out and she took off running around the garage as she always does, skidding around and being silly.

I needed to do Berrigan's and Caesar's brooder too so I figured I'd just get them all out at the same time. They can see each other and interact over their brooders so they're semi-acquainted at this point. Ciara, upon seeing them out, stood up very tall and went over to see Berrigan, but then ran away and then back, and then over to me, and then towards him, and then away again. Berrigan just started crying as he does about everything, and then must have thought to himself "the baby geese will save me" because he immediately ran to their brooder and flung himself in, startling them and making them cry. Caesar, meanwhile, stuck close to me. Ciara came back over, still all tall, and he cowered away, then took a swipe at her, and she just ignored it and looked down and him and he did NOT like that so he backed off and hid behind me, which made Ciara upset because SHE wanted to be near me and now the goose was there.

So I gave up, put the boys back in their brooder, and just cleaned it with them in there, lol.
Just had a bit of a three ring circus here. The emus are in their brooders for the night and I needed to change them. I popped Ciara out and she took off running around the garage as she always does, skidding around and being silly.

I needed to do Berrigan's and Caesar's brooder too so I figured I'd just get them all out at the same time. They can see each other and interact over their brooders so they're semi-acquainted at this point. Ciara, upon seeing them out, stood up very tall and went over to see Berrigan, but then ran away and then back, and then over to me, and then towards him, and then away again. Berrigan just started crying as he does about everything, and then must have thought to himself "the baby geese will save me" because he immediately ran to their brooder and flung himself in, startling them and making them cry. Caesar, meanwhile, stuck close to me. Ciara came back over, still all tall, and he cowered away, then took a swipe at her, and she just ignored it and looked down and him and he did NOT like that so he backed off and hid behind me, which made Ciara upset because SHE wanted to be near me and now the goose was there.

So I gave up, put the boys back in their brooder, and just cleaned it with them in there, lol.
HAHA omg that's hysterical. Emu drama! Those poor little confused things. :lau:pop
Hey Pyx- how big are your emu brooders right now? Your babies are older and I assume bigger than my little guy, was hoping I was on track with enough room...

Four by eight, but they also are outside all day when the weather allows, so even though I'd like them to be a little bigger, since they don't spend a ton of time in them I think it's okay.
Four by eight, but they also are outside all day when the weather allows, so even though I'd like them to be a little bigger, since they don't spend a ton of time in them I think it's okay.

Yeah, mine is 4x8 too - thanks! :) He can't hop out since it's a 'coop' but he's going to outgrow it soon. He goes out 2-3 times a day when I can 'walk' him. =)
Emu barn progress! Got more plywood painted today and started the front wall:


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