Pyxis' Emu Chat Thread

Did I tell you all the story of Desi trapping himself in the chicken coop? I'm not sure that I did.

Anyway, I recently reconnected with some biological relatives. My Dad was adopted as a baby, and never knew his birth parents. Recently we found his biological mother, and it turns out that he has two half siblings, and they had all been looking for him and were very excited to find him.

This past weekend, his bio-mom, her husband (not his father, his father cut and run on his mother when she got pregnant, literally joined the Navy and disappeared overseas) and his two half siblings all came up to visit.

His sister, my aunt, is a huge animal lover just like me. We really hit it off. She was super excited to come up and see all the birds, especially the emus. Ciara let her pet her, and Desi even let her pet him a bit while he was eating. And she was super into all my other birds too. She fell in love with the tiny Call ducks, as everyone does, lol.
So how did Desi get trapped in the chicken coop? :pop

So here's the story:

I decided randomly one night to go back up to check on the birds. My Dad was going out to the garage attached to my workshop because he needed to get something, so I tagged along to check on the shamos and pigeons in my shop.

So I'm in the workshop, just hanging with the birds while my Dad does what he needs to, and I hear an emu whistle. But it doesn't sound quite right to me. I decide I need to check this out.

I walk over to the pen, in the dark, and my Dad angles the truck so that the headlights are lighting up my pens so I can see what the heck I'm doing. And there's Desi, stuck in the chicken coop. And all my chickens and ducks were locked out.

I had no idea how he did it. The human door was latched shut and clipped closed. The chicken door was shut and furthermore, how could he fit through it? I let him out and he took off like a shot. I was very glad that I had gone up that night because normally I wouldn't have.

I was perplexed; I had no idea how he got in there. It made no sense.

And then two days later the mystery was solved. I was out with the birds and had topped up the feeders in the coop. The people door was closed. The chicken door was open, and I had actually taken the door all the way off to replace the batteries in the automatic door opener.

And I turn around and Desi is in the coop. Eating the feed out of the chicken feeders. That little snot had gone through the pop door. He could somehow fit. He must have been getting down on his knees and army crawling through the darn door to get the chicken feed.

Two minutes later he was back out in the pen. So best I can figure, he went into the coop that night sometime before it was dark enough for the chickens to have gone in to roost, and knocked the door on his way in, causing it to shut behind him, and locking himself in the coop.
So here's the story:

I decided randomly one night to go back up to check on the birds. My Dad was going out to the garage attached to my workshop because he needed to get something, so I tagged along to check on the shamos and pigeons in my shop.

So I'm in the workshop, just hanging with the birds while my Dad does what he needs to, and I hear an emu whistle. But it doesn't sound quite right to me. I decide I need to check this out.

I walk over to the pen, in the dark, and my Dad angles the truck so that the headlights are lighting up my pens so I can see what the heck I'm doing. And there's Desi, stuck in the chicken coop. And all my chickens and ducks were locked out.

I had no idea how he did it. The human door was latched shut and clipped closed. The chicken door was shut and furthermore, how could he fit through it? I let him out and he took off like a shot. I was very glad that I had gone up that night because normally I wouldn't have.

I was perplexed; I had no idea how he got in there. It made no sense.

And then two days later the mystery was solved. I was out with the birds and had topped up the feeders in the coop. The people door was closed. The chicken door was open, and I had actually taken the door all the way off to replace the batteries in the automatic door opener.

And I turn around and Desi is in the coop. Eating the feed out of the chicken feeders. That little snot had gone through the pop door. He could somehow fit. He must have been getting down on his knees and army crawling through the darn door to get the chicken feed.

Two minutes later he was back out in the pen. So best I can figure, he went into the coop that night sometime before it was dark enough for the chickens to have gone in to roost, and knocked the door on his way in, causing it to shut behind him, and locking himself in the coop.

What a smartie pants he is :lau
Not to upstage Pyxis; but here is one:

I had this cocky little rooster here when my 'original' three chicks were young adults. And this rooster was full of himself. And the hens followed him around: 'He's my rooster.'

So anyway, one day, I hear 'screams' from the rooster. A bunch of noise -- could hear it in the house, fifty yards away.

So I mosey over, and here's Greedy Emu in the chook pen (chicken coop), down on her hocks, complacently eating the chooks' food, and Mr. Tough Rooster, backed up against the wall in the far corner of the pen, screaming, 'Get it out! Get it out!'


['Greedy Emu': one of only ever two 'double-alpha' birds. Missing, believed dead. Female rothschildi ]

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