Pyxis' Emu Chat Thread

@Pyxis I think you need to tell your boss there's an emergency at home and you have to leave work. :pop

Very shortly, lol.

Ahhh so happy and excited to hear of the first hatch, it's adorable!! A blonde and another one on the way, wow! You lucky duck!

I'm thinking you're right what you said earlier, that the eggs come from different birds and as the season went along I was able to better identify them. It turns out both sets of emus were laying in the same nest, which was how I got them mixed up. Thanks for pointing that out, and in future I'll be able to better tell the difference as far as pairings go.

Congrats on the baby and good luck to the 2nd!! Go go go! :fl

It was the different egg sizes that made me think that :) Do you have any hens that might be laying for the first time this year? I think they tend to have smaller eggs.

Speaking of small eggs, I gotta weight the other set I got in to check weight loss. Still not convinced those really small ones I got in are going to be viable, but another breeder told me they've hatched eggs in the 400 gram range before, so we'll see I suppose.
This is their 2nd year laying. Sterling is the one hatching blondes- her eggs seem to be pale sea green with a smooth texture. The other eggs are Nuka's (deep green, very textured), who I know I saw breeding so it's unfortunate her eggs are having more trouble. Emu breeding is a fickle thing it turns out!

Egg C must have for sure been from Sterling in that case :) It was really smooth and a sea green. Egg B was darker in color but also smaller and a bit more smooth, so maybe also from Sterling.
I knew he'd be out when I got home :p I even left early and he beat me.


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