Pyxis' Emu Chat Thread

@sseabass Oops! Belated reply.
Luckily the fence keeps out the coyotes, but they're very active in the area (on the edge of suburb/rural). I hear them howling every couple of nights. Raccoons and possums are also around, but I'm not sure if they're responsible for killing chickens? Maybe a possum once did, but we've trapped and removed a lot of them.

Sadly a bobcat did get to a young emu way back when we were first starting out. It was a painful lesson to learn, but at least now we have a shed to keep them safe. The male is relatively tame- not as tame as some of the others, but sometimes I can approach and pet him. Hopefully that behavior doesn't change when the babies start to crop up. With a bit of help I'll be able to wrangle him into the shed.
I have twin emu egg on day 42. I was told your the person to contact. Can you help? First time with emus ever. I am afraid the egg may break itself it is so active so I made a towel nest. Now what? Will they need help?

Twin as in two chicks in one egg? Since you can't candle them, how do you know there are two in there? What temperature have you been incubating it? What's your incubator like?

If there are two, they will probably get in each other's way when they are ready to hatch, and may indeed need help.
Last year I tried the float test on some Peafowl eggs.
Then I read that it isn’t really very accurate.
But, what is do find, is it’s a great way to see them wiggle. They wiggle and the water wiggles.
There may some issue about not doing early on, only later since the egg will lose some of it’s natural rote time film? This is just a guess on my part.
A friend was over last night talking about how her family continued to read out loud after they were big kids. They grew up in remote part of montana. They are all big readers.
Then we teased about reading to the emu chicks. Then I decided it would be a great thing to do with a young pet emu. They would hear your voice in a much greater range and really bond to it. Along with the whistling.
Just an thought?
A friend was over last night talking about how her family continued to read out loud after they were big kids. They grew up in remote part of montana. They are all big readers.
Then we teased about reading to the emu chicks. Then I decided it would be a great thing to do with a young pet emu. They would hear your voice in a much greater range and really bond to it. Along with the whistling.
Just an thought?

i have enough trouble making time to read to my son, never-mind eggs. however it would be an interesting experiment, but because i'm lazy, what if you had a digital recording of your voice and played it on a loop.

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