Q from a Guy: What's the best iron?

I bet your husband found out about the fiance!

Spouses are not like potato chips, one is MORE than enough!


This is a true story: I worked for a guy who bought his wife a new hairdryer as a gift, and he but it in a genuine Tiffany blue box and wrapped it. Needless to say, she did not appreciate the joke...

The term Justifiable Homicide springs to mind rather immediately.​
My son bought me an iron last year. It is a Shark & it was over $50. I love it, best iron I ever had....heavy enough it could be used as a weapon!! I did ask for a good hair dryer for Christmas...my husband has given me wonderful necklaces & earrings....I would rather have regular things, with some nice perfume thrown in!! Thresa
OK, to satisfy the deluge of PMs I've been getting on the subject, an update: (honestly, there must be better things to talk about).

I went to Sam's Club on Saturday and bought the Rowenta PowerPress. I think DH will be thrilled. Well, as thrilled as she can be with an iron as a gift.

I'm giving it to her tonight, not as a Christmas gift, but more of a "Here - I-know-you-need-this-and-you-won't-spend-the-money-yourself" kind of gift.

Thanks to all for the suggestions. I now consider myself slightly less than clueless when it comes to this sort of thing. BYC to the resuce once again!


(get it?)
Yes. Tres cute. Will you sign the gift card with that? (You should.)

We know you'll pull it off in grand style, and she'll love you (even more) for it.
Give me a break

If I asked for a specific household item and my DH actually bought it, I'd be 'super nice' to him, that's for sure

I've got a Sunbeam iron. Probably a cheap one, but it works fine for me. Practical, useful gifts are the way to go. Afterall... No one can eat flowers or jewelry.

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