Quail backing up


Jun 5, 2022
I have one adult (real age unknown) Texas A&M "type" quail, and just as a few minutes ago, a three week old A&M that are "backing up." When I say backing up, I mean, they all walk forward, right? Well, these two birds will learn forward, the back up, or walk backwards.

Neither bird has seen the other, so it's definitely not a learned behavior.

Is this normal?
A couple of years ago, one of my old quail (also an A&M) did this for a few minutes then died. I never figured out what it was.
I hope yours make it!

I've noticed the adult doing it over the last few days. I didn't think he was long for this earth, because I'm guessing he may be two years, or older. He's still here, and still handling his business, so to speak.

What got me was the three week old doing it.
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I've always just laughed it off as a silly dance, and nothing ever came of it. I also got these coturnix walking on tiptoes. Not sure why my coturnix are so weird, but it's cute. My dancers are alive and well.

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