Quail chick with chicky breathing


In the Brooder
Feb 19, 2018
Hi guys,

Me again! :he

I’ve got a poorly 3 week old chick (in the middle of pic)

She was squeaking & looking cold yesterday so I put the electronic brooder in the cage with the whole family as they’ve been doing so well I’m really reluctant to separate them. (even Dad preens the babies feathers it’s so cute!)

Her breathing is clicky but she’s much feistier since the brooder. I’ve been giving her sugar water & ive read up on making an electrolyte mixture. She is eating & drinking a little on her own, I always give them scrambled egg for breakfast & ground up game bird feed.

1 did escape through the bars a couple of days ago, but she seemed fine when I found her, it could easily be the same chick (5 are almost indentical) I wondered if she got cold that could have left her open to infection/weakness?

I’ve read loads of threads but nothing seems specifically the same especially as they live indoors.

Has anyone experienced this? Should I separate her? Or with a friend?

I also have oral solution 2.5 % Baytril because I have rodents so I try to keep some on hand. I know that effects eggs but she’s not laying yet anyway.

I lost one really suddenly yesterday but he’d shown no symptoms previously, he was where they cuddle up to sleep so I wonder if he wasn’t quite in the huddle & got cold. He was a beautiful silver colour too :(

I really hope I can save her, I’m very new to this & I thought at this stage we were out of the woods :(

Any advice gratefully received.


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I'm sorry to hear that :hugs
Clicking breath does indicate an infection in the airways, so it could well be the one that got away.
I do wonder if something else is up though, since you lost two so close to each other, at this age - although the fact that one of them didn't show any symptoms and the other one did, makes it unlikely. But I've probably had around 100 naturally hatched button chicks, and not ONCE have I lost one that was more than a week old, so in my experience they are pretty hardy once they cross the 1-week mark..
Keep a look out for any symptoms. I'd probably leave the brooder in there for a few days as a preventive measure.

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