Quail Coop Competition! Show off your hard work....

Ok...I am in. Not interested in winning anything. My operation has been down sized to one aviary, a 10x10 foot metal menagerie. LOL I used to also use a 10x20 and a 10x30 for the breeding pairs and worked as a flight pens. But over the years the Bob population got out of hand and I stopped with the breeding. Many of you have seen this pic before...

Thanks Bill! However after years of keeping quail in larger areas, I am craving the smaller pens for easy care. You are always welcome to take a vacation to your southwest and use your fine handy craftsmanship to build me a few of your fine pens!
Does not have the wire on it in this pic. I built it in my living room and it only houses a trio right now. They seem to like it. In the winter I will set it down on my lasagna garden which produces heat and s'rond it with straw bales for insulation. It was free. All the supplies were left over from my hen house build.
Ok this is my coop. It's not completely setup yet. I am still waiting for the UPS guy! But the feed tray are on the outside now.

The coop has two levels and the roof can come off for better air circulation on a cool day.

The eggs roll to the back into the collecting rack.

It also has two breeding pens in the top level on the right with a pull out poop tray underneath.

I hope everyone likes it. This is my first time raising quail. Bottle water fountain and feed tray will be on the outside. I will also give them a resting platform . Critiques welcomed? If you think of anything that can make it easier and the bird lives better please comment!
VERY nicely built! Fine work there! Make sure to offer them a dusting pan for dust baths and places to get off the wire to rest their feet. If you have snakes or other night time critters with paws that might reach in during the night, you might want to use hardware cloth to cover the larger openings of the wire. Nice job!
I am building my second quail coop, identical to my first one.....lack of imagination. I am using pallets I got free from a lawn equipment co. I have only had to buy hardware cloth and staples and nails/screws.

SiTran, I love your coop. What is the bottom part for?
Ok this is my coop. It's not completely setup yet. I am still waiting for the UPS guy! But the feed tray are on the outside now.

The coop has two levels and the roof can come off for better air circulation on a cool day.

The eggs roll to the back into the collecting rack.

It also has two breeding pens in the top level on the right with a pull out poop tray underneath.

I hope everyone likes it. This is my first time raising quail. Bottle water fountain and feed tray will be on the outside. I will also give them a resting platform . Critiques welcomed? If you think of anything that can make it easier and the bird lives better please comment!
I want one just like that.
@ twocrowsranch

Thank you. I am blocking the large opening with my pop bottle water fountains and feeders. We don't get many coons, but some opossums. Will opossum kill my babies? I am using an upside down pie pan as their resting platform. I flip it back over when I offer them a dust bath(cheap walmart topsoil and food grade DE mix).

@ In His Service and Wyogirl

I'm glad you two like it. The bottom part is empty now, but I was thinking something like a meat production unit.
But it also can hold laying hen.

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