Quail Fighting


Feb 4, 2019
My quail have been fighting and some of them have gotten injured and now they are in separate areas. I let my quail outside in an aviary sort of place and let them get some fresh air. I thought it would be a good idea to keep one male and one female together but they have fought and even the other males have attacked the female and now she has a head injury. Soon, I am going to give some of my male quail away and sign myself up for a waiting list of about two months to get more females but will have to keep one male and one female together. Will they fight if I keep them together or is it just the other males causing them to attack the female?
First off, quail meat is mighty tasty and takes mere minutes to prepare for the dinner table. I learned by watching the following Youtube video on the subject, and it truly was as easy as shown.

Your quail hen was probably injured when your overabundance of males were fighting for the right to mate with her WHILE mating with her. Male quail handle their girls much like you imagine a human caveman would would treat 'his' woman... by grabbing them by the back of the head by their hair (in this case feathers on back of head). This is absolutely normal for them, and hens will lose feathers. Injuries occur to your hen when another male tries to butt in on the action and fights with the roo that's currently trying to mate her. One roo can handle up to 8 hens, 5 hens if high fertility rate is desired.

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