Quail Genders??

Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

I'm always fashionably late to the party, being on the far west time zone.
Now, if those had been A&Ms, I would have thrown my hands up and said wait until you catch one crowing or mating... or actually laying an egg.
I have a hard time with them!!

oh dont worry me too!!! However I AM starting to notice on MATURE birds that their head shape is different but then again, by then the roos are normally crowing
so might as well just wait for the crowing and swollen butts
Is number 2 through 4 the same birds? Because those are all hens.

Number one is a gorgeous roo!!! almost in breeding condition!

BTW dead giveaway at this age is the "BLUSHING" your roo (number one) has blushing coming in on his throat hens dont
dont ever
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They aren't in the same order they were before, but I guess I did a better job of taking pictures this time!

Now I'm super confused

It would be great if I had 3 females and 1 male and 1 "special quail". My mood would be seriously improved if that were the case
I'm confused too you show a picture of a brown roo (number 3) on your original post LOL and you only show 2 golden hens on your first post (number two and number 4) number one being a roo.

Now theres 3 golden hens and 1 roo? are you tryin to confuse my brain?

YES you guarrenteed have 3 hens there and one roo. How many birds do you have??
sorry, in the first post I must have missed one of them, and in the second post I did not include the all-brown dude because it's pretty obvious he's a boy.
yep, I missed brown-faced dude in the first post. I have no clue why since he's my most unique looking one!
hana it's okay! I was just confused LOL

So yes

You have 1 golden roo (number one in your second group picture post)
In that same post number 2-4 are hens

Special quail is a roo (he looks smaller more than likely because he cant eat well)


Your brown roo you are positive of

If you have an incubator in no time those three girls will give you all the hens you need in just a month or more!
OOH so you're telling me those three goldens on the first post are hte same three that im calling hens now? If so then WOW yes the pictures werent as good on the original post and im sorry for telling you ti was a roo because NO the only golden roo you have is number one (the brown faced dude as you call him
). I call it maroon. Brown and Golden roos get that blush when they are in breeding condition
Its basically like how white tailed deers get antlers hwen in breeding condition.

The flash must have drowned out the color on the goldens in the first post. The second post of the group the sexes are VERY CLEAR

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