Quail is acting really strange please help!


Oct 15, 2020
Quail is acting really strange. One of her wings is dropped, she pecks me and is doing strange sounds when I move my hand towards her. I saw her in the cage she was yelling really really loud with her mouth wide open. Also she is just staying in the corner in the cage. So sorry no pictures that can describe this.
Could you provide some more information about your Quail?

How long has she been acting like this? You mention one of her wings is drooping, could you try and gently catch her, and examine the wing for a break? Is she sitting on a clutch of eggs? Broody birds often act hostile and tend to scream and widen their wings when any human comes near.

A video of her doing the motions you describe would be helpful. To post a video, upload it to a video platform like Youtube or Vimeo, and copy/paste the link here.

I'm unfamiliar with Quail, so will tag @TwoCrows , who should be able to help you further.
I agree with @Isaac 0 it sounds as if she is broody. Does she bite you if you get too close with your hand? What breed is she, Coturnix? A video would definitely help. Is she eating and drinking normally?
Could you provide some more information about your Quail?

How long has she been acting like this? You mention one of her wings is drooping, could you try and gently catch her, and examine the wing for a break? Is she sitting on a clutch of eggs? Broody birds often act hostile and tend to scream and widen their wings when any human comes near.

A video of her doing the motions you describe would be helpful. To post a video, upload it to a video platform like Youtube or Vimeo, and copy/paste the link here.

I'm unfamiliar with Quail, so will tag @TwoCrows , who should be able to help you further.
She doesnt have eggs under hir but it she pecks me and yells if I put my hand close to her.
She doesnt have eggs under hir but it she pecks me and yells if I put my hand close to her.
I think she's just broody. Her hormones are telling her to hatch chicks. Do you have a male, as in are eggs fertile? If so you can either give her a quiet place to incubate eggs and raise a clutch of chicks or just let nature and time dispel the broody hormones, she will quiet down and be sweet in a few weeks.
I think she's just broody. Her hormones are telling her to hatch chicks. Do you have a male, as in are eggs fertile? If so you can either give her a quiet place to incubate eggs and raise a clutch of chicks or just let nature and time dispel the broody hormones, she will quiet down and be sweet in a few weeks.
But she never layed an egg before. Should I just put some fertile eggs in a cage and see if she sits on them?
But she never layed an egg before. Should I just put some fertile eggs in a cage and see if she sits on them?
How old is she? Some quail make good mothers, however many of them never stay broody long enough to incubate the eggs to hatch.

If you don't have any fertile eggs, I wouldn't go through the trouble. You are better off using an incubator with quail. If eggs are easy to obtain it might make a good experiment! Even then I would have a Incubator ready just in case she abandons the eggs.
How old is she? Some quail make good mothers, however many of them never stay broody long enough to incubate the eggs to hatch.

If you don't have any fertile eggs, I wouldn't go through the trouble. You are better off using an incubator with quail. If eggs are easy to obtain it might make a good experiment! Even then I would have a Incubator ready just in case she abandons the eggs.
She never layed an eggs before I do have an incubator and little amount of fertile eggs every day she is a Texas am and attack’s me when I am close to her also she tries to dust bathe inside the cage and fluffs up when she baves

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