Quail not walking correctly


In the Brooder
7 Years
Dec 24, 2012
Sorry about yet another coturnix quail post... I keep my quail in a 8x12 greenhouse on dirt, and one of the males, Spaz, isn't walking correctly. He can move his feet, but can't hold his weight, so he pushes himself around on his belly with his feet. He look very healthy and his feet look fine! His toes aren't curled and he is eating and drinking normally. He has never done this before.

If this helps, i had 4 quail die just 2 days ago. :( I can't stand how they keep on getting hurt! Are they getting some sort of disease? Help please!
I think they are fine- it doesn't get below freezing in there and they have a heat lamp and no drafts....
Have you felt the legs and hocks for heat? A bacterial infection, MS, Mycoplasma Synoviae will cause lameness, swelling and heat in the hocks and foot pads and the bacteria itself can kill poultry. It is highly contagious.

Are these chicks or adults? Adults should not be under any heat what so ever, unless they are ill, or the temps are in the sub zero range. If these are chicks dying, then it is definitely due to drafts or cold issues.
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I don't think that the legs/ hocks are warm. I researched the disease and it doesn't sound exactly like what he has. Is there any cure to the infection?

These are adults. I have them under heat, because after the 4 died someone suggested they were too cold... I only have 6 now so would they need a little extra help keeping warm?

Healthy quail can survive SUB zero temps. My birds are subject to 40 and 50 degree swings all year round. They have seen temps of minus 30. If your quail are in good shape, they do not need heat. It is not healthy to add heat to birds that have the ability to internally adapt to the cold temps. By adding heat, you are making it harder for them to venture out into the cold. That this alone can kill them.

So, if they indeed died from being cold, it stemmed from some health issue. Have you wormed them recently? Weak quail will drag them selves around starving to death from worm infestation, which would lead them to freeze to death.

Do they have any other outward symptoms of anything....funky looking poop, respiratory issues, sitting fluffed up in the corner, gasping for air...etc..? Of course only a necropsy will tell for sure what they died from, worms are always over looked and are the most common reason for death in poultry. Worms are in all soil, quail poop, intestines, ect...and the birds need to be wormed once if not twice a year.

Unless you suspect some bacterial infection, then antibiotics will not help in this situation.
how old are the quails?

the quails are on dirt, so its easier for them to pick up worms or a disease, as twocrowsranch suggests, worm them, see what happens, you need to narrow down the cause of it.

BTW we had a heat wave in Sydney last couple days, hit 43c or for all guys in the states about 110f, my quails were panting very heavily, so i made sure to mist them with water 3 times that day. that did the trick. even my 3 day old jap quails got a mist of water, they enjoyed it,

jap quails are very hardy birds. what food they are eating is it higher in protein to compensate for the cold? only a suggestion. good luck
I have only had them for about 2 months, and they have only been kept on dirt for about a month, so i haven't wormed them yet. The reason i moved them onto dirt was because they started picking at each other terribly, and fighting. Now, with 4 less, should i try moving them to the cage again?

They are about 4 months old maybe? I have only gotten 1 egg from all of them ever, maybe because of all of the moves?

They are all active, with bright eyes. They come running to be fed, the dustbathe, and drink normally. They all look plump and normal- which makes me even more confused!

I am feeding them a 24% protein feed, soon switching to 20% protein.

I'm sure all of this wasn't very helpful to you at all! Is it possible that he actually injured his legs?

Stop being sorry.

Anyway what i think you should do, (after you use up all you ideas or even before) is to move him to a seperate cage, maybe small (so he can sit and not have to move too far for food and drink).

Also, do what the experts tell you like: twocrowsranch .
Great news! He is getting better ( YAY!!! ) He walks almost normally now. Perhaps he somehow injured his legs and they are healing. I will make sure to worm them like twocowsranch suggested.

Thanks so much for all of your answers!

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