Quail treats?


Positively Ducky
11 Years
Oct 2, 2008
Over on the duck forum we have a handy, dandy list of treats for ducks. Mostly different kitchen scraps they can eat, wild plants they will eat, etc...

Is there a list like that here? I have been pouring over the sticky, but haven't found any info yet.

If there isn't one yet, what treats do you give your quail?
Can I give them sunflower seeds? My chickens love these.

I've just set my son up with 8 quails, so he can sell the eggs. I believe in young enterprise. He's only 11.
He's selling the eggs £1.50 a dozen and pays his sister 50p for every 12 she cleans and packs. I think he'll do well in business
I treat my quail to a good dinner and a bath before i treat myself to a good dinner

all kidding aside i feed all my quail 24% gamebird starter untill they get of age to eather put back in the breeder pen or in the fryer pen and still then 24% gamebird starter
I know THAT part...LOL

I feed game bird feed to my ducks so that is what my quail are getting too. I just got them today. But can I also give them cucumber peels, pieces of apple, celery tops, etc... ??
Sounds good. Regular worms too? I wonder if I could actually get any to the house....the minute the ducks see me turning the compost pile, they SWARM me and jump in the holes to gobble up all the worms!
Shelley (one of my Welsh Harlequin hens) even tries to ride the pitch fork. My drake hangs out by the hauling wagon so he can use it like a ducky buffet and pick off what he wants
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I treat my Bobs about once a week to either carrots, lettuce, cucumbers or zucchini squash. Kept them real happy back during the summer garden months with those oversize cucumbers and zucchini squash. And oh yeah, watermelon rinds and cantaloupe rinds. They attack any of this like they haven't eaten in a week........especially the cucumbers. I try not to overdo it though.....try not get them too full up on this to not want the high protein ration.
Sounds good. I feed treats sparingly...but I do like to recycle whatever I can from the kitchen and there are some things the ducks hate. Like carrots. Next time I chop some up for my son's lunch I will put an end piece in and see what they do.
They're like little shredders, except they consume it unbelievably quick. I can throw a head of lettuce in the coop with 48 Bobs, and it looks like it's going though a processor.....lol They love them carrots, too.
I gave them a brussel sprout. It got stuck on their beaks!

They decided that was no fun so I gave them a cucumber end. They are nibbling but cautious

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