Quails fighting


In the Brooder
5 Years
Feb 7, 2014
I have Corturnix quails. Lately a few have been getting roughed up pretty good. Any advice on how to stop the fighting or at least cut down on the physical damage?
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What is your ratio of males to females? And do they have enough space?

Picking on each other can be caused if you aren't keeping them 1 male to 4 to 7 females. They will also fight if they are cramped in. 1 square foot per bird is the minimum, but I prefer 2 square feet per bird or more to keep them calmer.

You can also give them hidy places to get away from each other with cut branches or fake foliage in the pen. Like a jungle atmosphere. They can hide and sneak around more.
Probably cramped then. They have one square foot per bird. My ratio is 1 to 4.
What about clipping their beaks and nails?
You should never have to trim beaks. Give them more space and you won't have that problem. Trimming is a rabbit hole that never ends. You have to trim over and over, for the rest of the life of the bird. You will end up with more food waste because you have provide a deeper bowl since the bird is less able to pick up food.

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