QuailShaQ 101.1

we are lucky., we are back, had a great time with the family and the waves. missed the dogs and missed the birds, they missed us...
the QuailQuest for Moby Quail
took us even to "ChickenCity", SC...







finally, you can even find a Quail in ChickenCity...


gotta give these people and builders proper credit, great job!!!

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I got up this mornin and had a lot to do. Fed my birds and did there related chores. Did that first... Needed to mow my 3 acres of yard, which I only did about half of before say'n screw it and opened the first beer...

Needed to get my chevelle cleaned up a bit for a up coming show, Did that next... After the car was washed,I took it up to the square and stirred up the local kids...


Came home and when I pulled up to the shop door I eyeballed my scoot set'n in there all dusty and ignored. then pulled it out and cleaned it up a bit and ran down the road a bit just to blow the cob webs out of it...


When I pulled it back in, my bride had heard me leave and rolled out of her pottery shed and strapped on her do rag and boots... Looked like we was go'n for a scooter ride!!


We took off putted to Topeka, bout 45 miles away, got a bite to eat, stopped for a drink here and there, then scooted around Perry lake a bit.... Put on a few miles and killed most of the afternoon. On the way home, I spotted this old guy... He was digg'in on his IPhone, Sing'in to himself like some village idiot, and did'nt give two shakes what anybody that saw him thought... Then it dawned on me. THIS GUY IS HAPPY TO THE CORE!!! I couldnt help but whip out my camera and take his pic...


Ya, Thats my bride up there in front, do'n about 80 MPH.... Loud pipes, fine woman, good scoot, sunny day, breeze in your knees and no particular place to go.... Its been a great day Tator!!!
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