QuailShaQ 101.1

The door frames are hung by "sandwichin'" the wire between 2 piece frames, then the doors are hinged to the frames. It's pretty easy to do if you use an air stapler to secure the wire to the inner frame, then screw the outer frame to the inner frame with the wire in between. If you really want to get goofy like I do, I run the frame stock through the tablesaw and remove enough material to make room for the thickness of the wire so the inner and outer frames screw together flush. Sometimes I forget that I'm buildin' a quail pen and not a piano.

Tight Work! the cots prolly appreciate the work and the company, more civil little buggers they are your little domesticated partners thats why they are hanging...

you feeding em your oreos too or just standing outside the pen teasing em with it?
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young hen


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