QuailShaQ 101.1


well, another one from ZBB and a little shout out to "my jilly", just rolls those beautiful green eyes and says pretty birds...

she is genuine, she is a different kind of fine...
good stuff Dirk. I never knew...like it. few of todays bands actually grew up with instruments in their hands...imho. I did not, so I can tell- takes one to know one. keep cutting it up bud.

MilleB- thanks for the great pictures! happy animals! looks like a nice day up there... "random randomness" kinda makes up for the flippin' whistle post still going through my headache.

and dumpster diving to these great tunes today yielded more treasure...

I like this pic the best although the duck pic and the peacocks are great, then the roo...good looking birds, nice woodage in the background. I also use that feeder for my Quail. seem to waste less with it?


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