QuailShaQ 101.1

I really like the stack of 15 pens. A quail enthusiast could get a lot of birds in a rig like that... Bill
to tell the truth... we have friends in low places, that knew a friend, that used to work somewhere and knew somebody was getting rid of stuff, it never actually made it to the dumpster that was there...it was way to fuggin heavy...but $0.

now the dumpster that was there had all sorts of stuff, old flight netting, those cages, more chicken wire, backpack frames (hilly got those-some pipe dream)

we really just got lucky! left smilin'

I suggest, calling wildlife rehab places, conservation/experiment labs... we are right next to the Univ. of Florida, lots of research labs and lots of dumpsters, roundbout June 1 when the kids get out of school and dump all their stuff outside their apts to fly off to their new jobs is a great time to dive...
first airlift from hatcher to brooder saw 13 chicks, from all dates on egg- no variance.

kinda amazing, how it goes from this...6/29 @ 2300





to this...7/16 @ 2300




set them in the bator as soon as we got them, did not turn for ~36-48 hours.
Well good to hear. You need two more to hit 50% and that was the min. I had hoped for. Maybe theres something to the "settle in the bator" theory... Lookin good so far. Shipping in this hot weather can't be good on them. Good luck. Bill
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