If you don't give antibiotics, and thereby create healthy carriers of the disease in your flock that can get other chickens sick, is it possible to have coryza in your flock and not know it and only have the occasional death or sick chicken? Or is coryza virulent enough that if it's present then it's most likely making a lot of your chickens sick and most likely killing many of your chickens and there is no mistaking that your flock has it.
I get the occasional sick chicken with a swollen eye and appears sick. I'm pretty quick to cull sick chickens. I would say within the past year I've had 2 like that. Locally there is somebody that had coryza and had to destroy their flock and I've gotten some chickens from them. Just makes me paranoid I could possibly have it in my flock and not know it.
I get the occasional sick chicken with a swollen eye and appears sick. I'm pretty quick to cull sick chickens. I would say within the past year I've had 2 like that. Locally there is somebody that had coryza and had to destroy their flock and I've gotten some chickens from them. Just makes me paranoid I could possibly have it in my flock and not know it.