Question about Emu Fence

Nice fencing job , I had some coyote's get in my fence a few years ago and attack one of my emu , it didn't get it because he was grown ,but it took a week of at tack's on the same emu for some reason,and every time he was attacked he climbed the 6 ft fence and every morning he was waiting for me in the yard,unless they are attacked or spooked they never try to get out , I got an electric boundary around the bottom of my fence ,and sat out there with the gun for 4 days and on the last day I could hear it follow the fence checking it and every time it hit the fence it yelped, I also put street lights around the fence and a radio going , my fencing is 6 ft 1x2 welded wire but there was one place that I found where the coyote had dug in but after the electric fence went up no more problems . I did have one of the emu get spooked and scale the fence since and saw it hit the electric fence and thought it died it fell to the ground and rolled into a ditch like it died , scared me , then she jumped up and tried to get back in the pen hitting it again before I could stop her , it was like a re-run , after that I put a smaller electric fence box out there . fixed the problem, hope all is well with you now .
Hi All,

I have a question. I was on this thread in May and had two emu chicks hatch, Sydney and Rio.......both girls. My question is Sydney is about two feet talk while Rio is a little over a foot. Is it normal to have two emus the same age be so different in size? They look like they hatched a month or two apart when it was actually two days. They are both healthy but I was just wondering.....
yes I have some from different parents and , some are smaller then the others so it can be normal unless you see there is something wrong , besides the size
, If you got the eggs from the same person , they could have been from different parents , many people when they ship eggs send from different parents so they want be related to each other , I hope this helped
yea this has been very helpful!! im getting chiks here soon but when there adults i need a TALL fence so they can NOT jump out WHAT so ever!! since there is coal mining going on all around me i can have them getting out and getting hurt
I use 12 foot sections of panel fencing for horses, they are 5.5 feet high, they stand on there own, you can move them where ever you want and all sides and tops and bottoms are smooth and rounded so no one gets hurt. I had one pen made of chainlink and in one corner of a gate the chain link pulled away from the frame and wouldn't you know that was the one section my emu stuck her head and got a very bad corneal abbrasion. Panel fencing is about 50.00 bucks a section, but I think its worth it and you can start with a small area and keep adding on. So far I have about 1.5 acres of it but eventually I'll have all 6 acres done so Ella can really run.
Can you post a picture pls

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