Question about Ivermectin...


10 Years
Sep 8, 2009
So, I used to have horses (sadly, no longer) However, I do find myself with an abundance of paste dewormers.. 1.87 Ivermectin. Last week, when I adopted the 3 hens, one had lice so, being somewhat desperate, I treated her topically with the paste (pea sized amount, back of shoulder and under wings) She is doing fine, I didnt see any lice last check but they could still be there?
I am wondering if anyone else has used or uses the paste (1.87) in their birds for general deworming also? I know I can get the 1% cattle pour on, but since I have all these pastes, I'd like to use them. Fall is approaching and I'd like to worm the pheasants (and hens) using this too, any thoughts on adding it/how much etc to water? If needed, I "could" catch the pheasants at night to treat topically, but not sure if topically would treat intestinal parasites?? Thanks for any info!

Ok, how can I move this to Managing Your Flock ?
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PM threehorses. She would know the dosage for each strength of paste you have. With this economy I waste nothing.
Yes, I have used the 1.87 "horse" Ivermectin on my chickens a few times. Worked great, no problems. I used it just as you did.
Great, good to know.... I kept searching and found a link that they used an inch strip or so in a pint of water, so I may go that route when its time to worm again..
Question on worming, I have bought the wazine for first dose of dewormer, and was able to find fenbendazole for second, . is it safe to use these on my cat also ? she is small indoor,
outdoor cat about the size of my sussex and orpington hens. I am not sure how to limit her water intake to just this water but she has drunk from the chicken water. I also have two dogs they of course get heart worm meds and checked yearly for worms(rarely) found. They do not go near the chicken water. today I read how hard worming can be on chickens ; is there a follow up treatment I should use?
We also have horses so I use the paste with the chickens...found this on the internet for dosage and although not that scientific it really works.I bought some very wormy chickens and used it plus I keep mine wormed frequently as well.
BB size dollop-pea sized mixed with about 2T water-warm not hot or cold.Stir stir stir then give them about 5-6 drops.
I have small kids so I found an infant tylenol bottle that had expired-no babies here now filled it with water-just about the perfect amount then it was about a half of a dropper...wormed several chickens.
I always make a fresh batch when I do it.
Great, I'll try that, thank you!

Snowflake, I don't know about using it for cats, I would check with your vet and see what they say...Cats may be more sensitive to different medications than dogs (or chickens:) may be..
Does Ivermectin/Piperazine (sp?) treat the short little white worms I see 'peppered' on some of the chicken droppings? I assume these are a type of tape worm. I can see them moving, and this is freaking me out! I want them gone! I also have dogs and cats and wonder if the dogs injest the feces, if they probably need to get wormed too?
I think for tapes you need to try fenbendazole or maybe pyrantel pamoate. Maybe someone can confirm this. Are you sure is not fly larvae though (aka maggots) in the stool? That happens alot down here in my neck of the woods, flys are a PIA

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