Question of the Day - Wednesday, January 24th, 2024

I hope that helmet got replaced, pronto. Good thing you had it on.
Yep. Although I also haven't ridden much since then. Don't blame my girl, I'd have the same reaction as she did, it just replays in my head every time that I get in the saddle alone. I'm more content to just love on the horses on the ground.
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I'm more annoyed when I get into an accident that wasn't my fault, lol. It's unfortunate that you needed surgery - did it at least heal fully?
It did, yes, back to just under 100% as to range of motion and probably in the 90% range as to strength. I had to have the surgery, I was not only crippled as to strength and range of motion, but the pain was unbearable. Could not use the arm at all. The surgeon also found bone spurs while he was in there and did not like the shape of the ball and socket, congenital issues, he said. He said it would take a year to heal but did not say it would hurt for the whole year. I still don't like anybody smacking me on that shoulder.
My mom did. This was a couple years ago when I was even more shy, and he's a big guy (like 18 inches taller than she was) that can never be wrong about anything. I was busy holding onto the other horse and trying to not start sobbing
Moms rule. :yesss:
It did, yes, back to just under 100% as to range of motion and probably in the 90% range as to strength. I had to have the surgery, I was not only crippled as to strength and range of motion, but the pain was unbearable. Could not use the arm at all. The surgeon also found bone spurs while he was in there and did not like the shape of the ball and socket, congenital issues, he said. He said it would take a year to heal but did not say it would hurt for the whole year. I still don't like anybody smacking me on that shoulder.
Yikes, that's intense. I didn't have much pain hence why I didn't go to a doctor for a few months. Supposedly symptoms vary quite a bit as far as pain level.
I broke 3 ribs by sneezing. Another 3 in a car crash. Several toes, one at a time. One by dropping a plaster mold point down on my second toe. Several by stepping over baby gates and smashing toes on wall. One by running my toe into the heaviest end table in history ( my mother's) Husband was distracting me while I was walking. That one was a spiral fracture. I set it myself, because it was sticking out at an odd angle and I couldn't put a shoe on.
Ouch, Cap! I forgot about the toe fracture. I came off another horse to earn that one. Again, my fault but I was being stupid so no details. Suffice it to say that I spooked a 3-year old filly I was riding and ended up flat on my back underneath her as she whirled around, rearing over me.. I saw her front hooves sail over my face from right to left as one of her rear hooves ground my left fourth toe into the ground as she spun. I rode her home and counted myself fortunate that all I got out of the deal was a mashed and macerated toe. It healed eventually and she was none the worse for my stupidity.

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