Question on BA Laying Hens


5 Years
Jan 27, 2014
Central Oregon
I'm hoping this is in the right section of the forum...

I'm raising 4 BA chicks and would like to know how long does this breed lay eggs? I've heard that 'production breeds' don't last all that long, but not having had BA's before I'm curious. Will they lay longer than 2 years?
I'm on my 2nd year with a batch of ten. They lay great, when they're not broody! I didn't think they were considered one of the breeds most likely to brood, but I'm running 60% broody this spring.
I'm on my 2nd year with a batch of ten. They lay great, when they're not broody! I didn't think they were considered one of the breeds most likely to brood, but I'm running 60% broody this spring.
I almost wish now that I had a roo to go with my 4 girls! Like you, I didn't think they were considered to be broody types...good to know!
I almost wish now that I had a roo to go with my 4 girls! Like you, I didn't think they were considered to be broody types...good to know!
I didn't get a rooster for that reason, either I now have some CooKoo Manans/EE/BAustrolorp mutts. The roosters in my flock are either Marans, or an EE/Buff Orpington cross.

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