Questions. Help please

Oh, ok. How do I ferment his cubes then? Also, they're dumor alfalfa cubes. Can they go bad? I've had them a while. We give them to the rabbits sometimes and they eat them.
I've seen a lot of posts that say buttermilk is fine :confused: could I use ACV instead?
Use a little Greek yogurt. You need active enzymes. Fake buttermilk won't cut it. There isn't enough lacotse left in yogurt to hurt even the most lactose intolerant poultry. People feed yogurt to their flocks all the time.

It always comes down to amounts. Small amounts of dairy is fine. No problem.
Do I have to use it? Just wondered. What kind of yogurt? Can it be flavored?
Greek style yogurt to be sure you're getting active enzymes. No sugar no flavor, use plain. Give the goose some. He may like it. It will do his digestive tract good to plant the enzymes in it.
What can I do with the extra? No one here likes it.
That sounds like flushing money down the toilet. :lau Jk couldn't resist. Ok thank you
How do I ferment the cubes? Like what are the measurements for water, yogurt etc.

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