Questions. Help please

Is this ok? I can't find a mill date. It says only for cattle.
It's wheat, right? Funny it doesn't just say so on the bag. Sometimes they don't, though. Wheat is around 13.5% protein, but your elevator guy could probably access a more thorough nutrient assessment for this specific wheat if you want it. I couldn't find specifics for hard red winter wheat as opposed to soft white wheat. The red would be higher protien, but keep in mind that waterfowl need around a 17% protein diet, esp while they're growing. You don't want to go too far under that or they might not develop properly. Much over and they could develop a cosmetic defect called angel wing. Sooo, the gist of this is that the wheat is good for sprouting and that's fine, but I wouldn't use it dry or fermented as a significant percentage of his feed rations without doing some math to make sure you're supply an appropriate protein percentage.

I mix my feed, however it takes a lot of digging and a little math to make sure they're getting what they need, and I'm lucky enough to have a good supplier in town.
It's rye. He brought it from his house. I don't know where he got it. How can I give him more protein? Also, they can only get Angel wing when they're babies and growing in their flight feathers I'm pretty sure. Maybe when they're molting those feathers they can get it. I rinsed the grain really well and have it soaking.
It's rye. He brought it from his house. I don't know where he got it. How can I give him more protein? Also, they can only get Angel wing when they're babies and growing in their flight feathers I'm pretty sure. Maybe when they're molting those feathers they can get it. I rinsed the grain really well and have it soaking.
I'm sure you're fine with the all-flock. It only becomes a thing if the treats exceed 10% of his feed or so. I don't have a protein percentage for the rye but I would bet it's right around the wheat, barley, oats range, which is generally between 12%-15%. It's fine--way better than corn (mostly sugar and starch) as long as it doesn't get to be too large a percentage of his diet. People say that the available protein increases when seeds are sprouted, but I haven't been able to verify that and I really WANT it to be true. :confused:
If you need to increase protein percentages, sunflower seeds @ 27% are pretty good. For me, with what's available here, the only real affordable option is soybean meal. Some folks use fish meal, but I guess that's in question for geese. Some folks say geese are vegetarian and others say their geese scarf up meat scraps and meal worms. Dave Holderread includes fish, meat & bone meal in his feed formulations in "The Book of Geese," so it can't be too strict a rule.

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