

Show Me Feathers Poultry CO
11 Years
May 4, 2008
Okay I have a question now... I have two hens that have silkie feathering and all but no feathed legs the lavender hen was my first and she come from two pure breed non silkie non feather legged parents and she had a parteridge daughter and she had silkie feathers too when crossed to a non silkie roo HOW did this happen ?

So another question... I wouldnt anyway.. but if I did... what if... I bred my pure silkie roo to these silkie hens that are not from silkie parents ? would the babies be silkie too.. ? i've heard that when a silkie breeds to a non silkie parent that the offspring are born regular feathered. so how did two non silkie regular feathered parents have a silkie ?
Heres a picture of the other silkie hens daughter... isn't this the color called parteridge ? as you can see shes really fluffy.. no top knot or anything
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Silkie feathering is a recessive gene. I suppose 2 genes would beget a silkie feathered bird. (?)

Thats a cute partridge colored chicken.
The head looks different though.
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