Quil egg pipped but not zipping


Apr 22, 2019
This is my first-time hatching quail. One of my eggs had pipped around 10 in the morning on day 18, its around 4:30 in the afternoon on day 19 and it hasn’t made a lot of progress. It widened the pip hole a little, but it hasn’t started to zip. I can see its beak moving through the hole. I know some people say that it takes a while for them to hatch but I’m super anxious. Is the chick still ok? What’s the longest a chick can take to hatch? :hmm
This is my first-time hatching quail. One of my eggs had pipped around 10 in the morning on day 18, its around 4:30 in the afternoon on day 19 and it hasn’t made a lot of progress. It widened the pip hole a little, but it hasn’t started to zip. I can see its beak moving through the hole. I know some people say that it takes a while for them to hatch but I’m super anxious. Is the chick still ok? What’s the longest a chick can take to hatch? :hmm

I know, it's nerve-wracking waiting for those late-hatchers to come out. One of my chicks took 18 hours, another took 27 (that one needed assistance and has never been quite "right"). But the beak out means they're really breathing—they might be resting before the final push. If it's still not made progress by tomorrow morning, then is a better time to decide whether or not to assist.

Sit tight a little longer—I hope you wake up to little wobbly chicks!

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