Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

Thank you
we're planning for June 4th next year. Now I just need the church and hall to work out and we should be set to officially start planning
That and pinerest.
That gives you plenty time to plan your dream wedding… I was saying to DH now someone from BYC should have a bit of a chicken themed wedding one day. You know, have the bride carry a silkie chicken instead of bouquet? He promptly burst my bubble by saying "So what happens when it's time to toss the bouquet? You'll have this chicken going BAWWAAAGGGG!!! flying across the room and pray someone catches it?"

Someone did that years ago. Search pink silkie, or dyeing a chicken. I will look for it for you.
It is so sweet and funny.

Every time that I go back to that thread, I can not get over how some people attacked her.
So, in order for you not to have to read the troll wars, here are the pictures,
Posts: 141, 211, 233, 289, 298, 347, 369

If I had silkies they be a rainbow of colors. little fluffy color puffs wandering around the yard.
I can see it.

Except they'd look like dog toys.. now I see carnage! ahhhh.
My brain does bad things!
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That gives you plenty time to plan your dream wedding… I was saying to DH now someone from BYC should have a bit of a chicken themed wedding one day. You know, have the bride carry a silkie chicken instead of bouquet? He promptly burst my bubble by saying "So what happens when it's time to toss the bouquet? You'll have this chicken going BAWWAAAGGGG!!! flying across the room and pray someone catches it?"

I got it!!!!!!!! *runs from the side to rescue silkie*

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