Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

That is how I live now. I wish I had the energy to reach out to more people and bring more good into my life, but I am rather timid about that. I am kind of worn out from stepping in front of the sucker punch.
I find I am easily used by users.

I like this thread and this group of people.
Me too… I still want to help and do good, so I shifted my focus to helping animals instead. I get to feel I am making a difference, without putting too much at risk?

There is a lot of love, acceptance and empathy on this thread.
That's beautiful Shannon! Congrats again!

Someone did that years ago. Search pink silkie, or dyeing a chicken. I will look for it for you.
It is so sweet and funny.

Every time that I go back to that thread, I can not get over how some people attacked her.
So, in order for you not to have to read the troll wars, here are the pictures,
Posts: 141, 211, 233, 289, 298, 347, 369

If I had silkies they be a rainbow of colors. little fluffy color puffs wandering around the yard.
I can see it.

Except they'd look like dog toys.. now I see carnage! ahhhh.
My brain does bad things!

I love my silkies! they ARE cute walking the yard scratching a little here and there!
That's fantastic!
So why would ... I mean... people. To me dancing is great exercise, and it is fun. Who cares if it isn't pretty?
I wish shamers felt shame, but they don't.
They won't feel it until they are getting it back. Unfortunately that just reinforces the behavior in many people.

As a recovering bully who was bullied horrifically as a teen, I know the power trip they get for making others feel bad. I can't explain it but it fills a void. It becomes a habit.I turned my anger on my children when they were small and I thought they were something I could exert control over. Boy was I wrong. So wrong. I have a lifetime to make up for so I try every day to inspire people, even strangers not to let anyone steal their fire or live in fear. And...I still empower my kids every day, not that I need to because they are UNSTOPPABLE. They know something about this world I didn't. You have to love yourself and respect you for who you are first and do not change your genuine self or no one will love and respect you back because you are not real.

Lesson learned.

I have been an anti-bully advocate(although I don't like the term) since 2009. I was a very small part of getting "The Bully Movie" in theatres nationwide and into schools when we weren't sure we could. "Stand For The Silent" is one campaign I am 100% behind because it empowers through kindness not retribution. If one kid would have stepped up and stood beside me when I became the aggressor I would have backed down and my life would not have been so damaging.

Adults need to take a look at how they interact or ignore one another, it speaks volumes to those around you.
Kindness rocks.

Have seen this girl?
She can move... bodies come in so many forms... And not everyone has to be attracted to every form, but we would do well to remember that beauty is in the eye of the beholder... And keep cruel words to our selfs until the day cruel words no longer come into our minds...

I salute you
Coming from someone who was bullied something awful all through junior and high school, I wonder how many of those bullies have the GUTS to do what you did. You're awesome!

I loved them in spite of everything. Then one day, I didn't.
It was hurting the people who actually loved me back.

You realized something when you were young enough to change. I am so glad you did.
Change is so hard. and so many people do not think it is worth it.

My childhood was messed up.
I had grandparents that saved me.
They were my safe harbor.
They were love.
Always be nice to children.
You just do not ever know the burden they are carrying

way to go sumi.
I understand being bullied. Not something I wan my kids to go through or do to others. I hated practically everyday of school from grade one until the day I dropped out... you know the worst part is that the attitude that starts bullying starts at home and as adults the parents of those children really should have known better... yet another vicious cycle...

Add me to the list of being bullied. Family, school, work. As an adult I find some things aren't worth responding to. Some people may think I lack a "back bone" but they just don't realize - THEY aren't worth the trouble.
Very true!
Reminds me of my very brave daughter . When my youngest was 5, I was babysitting my girlfriends kids for her first week of work because she couldn't get a sitter that week, and her kids had swim lessons at the community pool. My daughter want to play on the monkey bars some 20 feet away from the pool so I said OK. 8:30 in morning, smaller than small town USA, safe right? Except for the morning dew on the top of the metal bars. She made it all the from one end to the other except when she got to the last bar, her little hands were wet from dew and she slipped hitting her arm on the metal bar steps at the end and breaking both bones. She wasn't crying but just said "mommy I think I broke my arm" I scooped her up rested her arm on my shoulder and walked very slowly to the bench. Someone called EMS and
I started crying big tears downs my cheeks, as she wiped one away she says "Don't cry mommy, I'm OK". Of course even bigger tears followed that!
Only have a few minutes so if someone has already posted these, excuse me!

Don't forget about Daylight Savings Time! (For those affected anyway.)
Oh crap, I just read the last few pages and you all were having a 'moment'. Then here I come with my silly DST quotes. Sheesh, I didn't know. Note to self: Read a bit THEN post.

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