Rüłęr Øf Ñìght-Å Wärrìor Çats Roleplay

Crowpaw lifted his head, ears twitching. He growled, stalking up to the other Tom. "Takes one to know one."
"Says the coward who ran soon as he saw danger. Who didn't climb a tree when I suggested it. Who fleed and left another cat to die. Morningpaw. Who lost an eye because of you. If we want to work together, I want to know where your loyalties lie. Clan first, or is it yourself?" Coldshard hissed irritability.
"Says the coward who ran soon as he saw danger. Who didn't climb a tree when I suggested it. Who fleed and left another cat to die. Morningpaw. Who lost an eye because of you. If we want to work together, I want to know where your loyalties lie. Clan first, or is it your life?" Coldshard hissed irritability.
Crowpaw's eyes narrowed, ears flattened threateningly. "I did not flee. I stayed when the foxes came, I attacked them first, unlike you! You ran up a tree!"
Crowpaw's eyes narrowed, ears flattened threateningly. "I did not flee. I stayed when the foxes came, I attacked them first, unlike you! You ran up a tree!"
"Excuse me, but I recall you fled the moment the battle was initiated. And ickle, furbrained black kitties apparently can't climb furbrained, ickle trees," Coldshard spat. "Anyways, lesson," he gestured at the stumbling, retreating form of Morningpaw, "learned." He pointed his tail at Crowpaw with flourish. "So, now black kitty learned that his little friends get hurt if he plays turncoat."
Why was this cat so irritating?
Probably because he has all of your worst traits,
a voice in Coldshard's head whispered. He popped that bubble of thought. No, this cat is the absolute worst worm to walk crawl the earth.
I cannot believe this trashy clichè of a RP still lives

Ok then
Because it's beautiful and the character relationships are cute lol
Morningpaw stumbled after Heronpaw, faltering with every other step. Her legs buckled beneath her, earning a hiss from Morningpaw as the golden tabby forced herself to her feet. She could see Crowpaw out of the corner of her green blue eye, the black Tom circling the two shecats like prey, his shattered blue eyes glinting darkly.
She twisted her head, halting. She flattened her ears at the Tom, yet not in a hostile manner, merely one of curiousness. The young black furred cat crouched low to the ground, long legs taking slow strides. He met her gaze with one of the same, flattened ears and curious eyes.
Through his black furred pelt, though half hidden by shadows, she could see his ribs, plainly visible. He looks ill....could he have the sickness?
She blinked, staring at him.
Crowpaw slunk towards her, in a very cowardly manner. His body slow to the ground, tail half way tucked in between his legs. Ears flattened and head hanging towards the ground.
"And you would want what, exactly?"
Morningpaw's voice jumped him, her voice harsh and cold despite her weakness.
"Come on then. Don't be such a coward, what do you want?"
He unsheathed his claws, tugging at a blade of grass. "I um..."
"You what, Crowpaw?"
He shifted onto his other paw, bony shoulders moving stiffly beneath his pelt. "Speak up, coward!"
Crowpaw jumped, his head jerking up to face the injured SheCat. "I just wanted to know if you where ok!" He yelped.
The golden tabby bared her teeth, tail lashing. Growling, she bit out a stinging retort. "Do I look ok?" She hissed, limping after the medicine cat apprentice, muttering under her breath.
Heronpaw tried her best to stifle a laugh when Morningpaw snapped at him, and kept on walking down the hill. She stopped at the bank of the stream and sat down. Once Morningpaw was there, she instructed her to dip her eye and face into the cool water.
"Excuse me, but I recall you fled the moment the battle was initiated. And ickle, furbrained black kitties apparently can't climb furbrained, ickle trees," Coldshard spat. "Anyways, lesson," he gestured at the stumbling, retreating form of Morningpaw, "learned." He pointed his tail at Crowpaw with flourish. "So, now black kitty learned that his little friends get hurt if he plays turncoat."
Why was this cat so irritating?
Probably because he has all of your worst traits,
a voice in Coldshard's head whispered. He popped that bubble of thought. No, this cat is the absolute worst worm to walk crawl the earth.
Crowpaw screeched, rearing up on his hind legs. Eyes glinting viciously in the dark light of the moon, he slammed his front paws on Coldshards head with as much strength as he could muster. He reared up again, slamming a unsheathed claw across Coldshard's side.
Because it's beautiful and the character relationships are cute lol

Heronpaw tried her best to stifle a laugh when Morningpaw snapped at him, and kept on walking down the hill. She stopped at the bank of the stream and sat down. Once Morningpaw was there, she instructed her to dip her eye and face into the cool water.
Morningpaw leaned forward, about to dip her face into the water, when she lost balance, falling into the stream clumsily. She sat up quickly, hissing in annoyance. Now I'm soaked!
Crowpaw screeched, rearing up on his hind legs. Eyes glinting viciously in the dark light of the moon, he slammed his front paws on Coldshards head with as much strength as he could muster. He reared up again, slamming a unsheathed claw across Coldshard's side.
Coldshard hissed in pain. "What did you do that for, coward? I swear, I've been attacked by cats all day. If I've been a little irritable, it's because cats are clawing me all night! And I have never clawed back! Maybe a little physical punishment is required." He batted Crowpaw's face.
"A kit, a fox, an apprentice?
Have you no respect for your elders? I rebuke you," the fur along his back spiked, "or I will throw you out. You don't deserve this position."
Coldshard hissed in pain. "What did you do that for, coward? I swear, I've been attacked by cats all day. If I've been a little irritable, it's because cats are clawing me all night! And I have never clawed back! Maybe a little physical punishment is required." He batted Crowpaw's face.
"A kit, a fox, an apprentice?
Have you no respect for your elders? I rebuke you," the fur along his back spiked, "or I will throw you out. You don't deserve this position."
Crowpaw snarled, ears flattened. "You are only a few moons older then me, and you cannot throw me out. StarClan chose me for this mission." He slashed a unsheathed claw across Coldshard's face. "If anyone doesn't deserve this position, it's you."
Crowpaw snarled, ears flattened. "You are only a few moons older then me, and you cannot throw me out. StarClan chose me for this mission." He slashed a unsheathed claw across Coldshard's face. "If anyone doesn't deserve this position, it's you."
"Attacking other cat certainly seems like a good reason to throw you out." Crowpaw reopened freshly closed wounds. Coldshard flinched and clawed the cat in the face. "Stop! I was just in a fight. You..." the pain broke through his ego and he admitted it. "You weren't just in a fight. I was."
He knocked Crowpaw down heavily. "Impulsive apprentices attacking full warriors. And I am moons older than you. Where's that foxbrained SplashClan warrior to speak about morals when you need him?" @Table4Six
Morningpaw leaned forward, about to dip her face into the water, when she lost balance, falling into the stream clumsily. She sat up quickly, hissing in annoyance. Now I'm soaked!
Heronpaw jumped forward to catch Morningpaw, but she was too late. "Are you okay?" she yelped, "I'm sorry. I should've been there in case you fell."

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