Rabbit raid?


I personally want to know more about the pics posted, as we all know they did not agree with how it was stated that she ID'd her buns. I find this almost as disturbing as the raid itself. It's like a witch hunt.
I really want to hear more about the photos. I wouldn't be surprised at all that a group would do that, but I am surprised that at least most seemed to include backdrop that seemed to correspond with earlier footage of her barn from well before the raid. Good to keep seeing updates on this as it progresses.
I posted a direct question about the conditions. We shall see what the answer is. Though.. from the info I have, she was wronged, BIG TIME. None of the pics came from HER camera. None.
Oh my Lord this is nuts! First we're told she's railroaded, then pics are posted that make me think "Ok she should have been warned to clean up but not robbed of her animals" and NOW those pictures might be frauds! This should be on the crime channels; it has enough twists to become a mini series! I have no idea what to think anymore, I'm floored. If these pictures were indeed not her rabbits/cages/barn etc then there should be (heck) to pay! If I lived in that state I would throw the biggest fit of my life if this turned out to be a false accusation! I hope they have to pay her back for every rabbit and apologize publically and in writing! This "rescue group" should be severely reprimanded for such rampant idiocy, if this indeed turns out to just be a rabbit witch-hunt.

If the pics are accurate and real she still should have been given opportunity to comply and clean things up. I'm annoyed either way but SO angry if this poor lady got totally railroaded!

Answer to my question:

"There wee pictures posted by AC but it can't be proven whether the pictures were "set up" by AC or HRS. The cages were dirty and so were the bowls but... it took them several days to post, someone could have done it with a few days on photo shop, or the rabbit could have been put into those cages by AC... OR maybe they were a few (out of 184) cages like that. Not much else has been said. We do know that AC would not let Debe take pictures on her own property which is another violation of her rights."
Going back an looking at the photos. Is it a camera effect cause I dont know but.... The outside shots both from the AC an the lady her self both show the "normal cages" when viewed from the door that are twice as wide as they are deep(front to back). Even the ones with dividers are square. The inside shots from the AC show cages that look twice as deep as they are wide?

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