Rabbit show thread

I think I killed your thread.

Just wanted to mention to anyone in California that if you post the information on the California thread I will add any breeder and or show info in the first post.
Small breeder brag.
Double B's Trent got 2nd place youth American Sable senior buck out of 7 at convention thuis week!!!!
He's my first home bred so I'm pretty happy with second place.
I wish I could stumble upon a show around here but the closest I know of is about six hours. It's hard to get time to travel that far let alone convince someone to go with. Even the rabbits give me dirty looks haha! I have big plans for the State Fair next summer and all of the county fairs. My rabbits will hopefully repeat their previous success and my chickens--I'd love a purple ribbon. I wouldn't mind Lionheads being accepted into the ARBA soon because I have a whole lot of show quality in my breeders. My youngest doe Juliette and JR buck Samwise could take ribbons no problem if they allow them at the state fair--pretty sure it's ARBA breeds only though!

hello to fellow rabbitiers ~ we haved raised a few silver fox, & love their gentle personalities ~ but, we also eat them ~ does anyone else here raise meat rabbits? Maybe this should be on another thrread? Also, I thought I found someone on here ( but now can't seem to find the thread!) that used battery acid to tan the hides. Does anyone here know about this or have any experience with it? Thank you so much for your time ~ Red
wolftracks ~ well. I would like to tan the hides.... but so far, I have just put them into the freezer till I figure out the whole tanning thing. I will post pics ;-D We did our first litter ever, got 6 kits from our doe, & then slaughtered them just last week. We do still have a breeding buck & doe, however. How often do folks usually go between breedings?
I was quite pleasantly surprised when we ended up with over 40 lbs of meat from 6 kits. And so much easier than meat birds!!! PLUS pelts! It was a revelation! ;-D I have often wondered since why more folks aren't out there raising meat rabbits.

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