Rabbit's DON'T belong in cages!!!

I might start breeding Netherland Dwarfs. I'm considering doing colony life(inside of a 10x10 building) or doing wire cages with a playpen. I'm starting off with a trio. And I'm on a tight budget since I have to save up the money. No more then $600. Any tips or ideas. Thanks

I use chain link dog kennels for my runs/pens. 6 formed into a box makes a predator and dig proof area tall enough to walk into.
before reset

Yesterday I moved my separation cages outside the run for added floor space (doors are accessible through the back wall)They are made from reclaimed pallets and some old wire cages I had on hand. The colony run is 8x10x6 with a tarp for the wind.Half of a plastic dog house serves as a burrow.The whole thing cost less than $150, second hand dog panels were $75, a new tarp was $45 and the rest was reclaimed or free.
After reset

Cutting through the chain link to install the door access was kinda a pain but convenience makes it worth it.
The natural life of a rabbit is to dig,burrow,run,hop,eat grass,be together,feel the dirt underneath there paws,live in burrows underground and just be rabbits. Rabbits do NOT get any of that in a hutch/cage all they can do is sit there and hop a foot or so and that's all they get. Could you imagine there life and how boring,dull,and hell it must be? And there sitting on a wire floor that hurts there feet and like I said they must be bored out of there mind and not very happy. Imagine if you were in a all wire cage and how bad your hands and feet would hurt from your body weight on top of wire and you would only have enough room to hop a foot or so and turn around.You wouldn't have a nice place to cuddle up or be warm or feel safe and be happy and have a fulfilling life that you loved.
Like I said if you think about you in that small wire cage your whole life with nothing to do except turn around and hop and eat and drink on wire you would wish to be dead. That is no life at all for a rabbit,I mean you wouldn't do it to a dog or cat and a rabbit is no different. Look at wild rabbits or any animal for that matter,they have up to miles of territory and have burrows and they know there's food here and water here and my burrow is over here and I like to sleep under this bush over here and these logs are good hiding spots and ALL the things they love and have in there habitat. Rather you raise them for meat/4-h/pets or whatever think about where your rabbit lives it's whole life and you expect it to live there when you are raising them and they didn't choose to be put in that little cage behind the garage. And a lot of rabbits I have seen just sit there,chew or mouth the wire a lot just out of boredom and frustration of being in there.
Yes,I have 2 hutches in my backyard and I have a buck in one and a doe in another but soon I'm gonna get a spot in the yard about 30 by 30 foot section and dig down about 5 feet than put wire than fill it back up and put wire around that so they can dig down but not be able to get out. And I'll have them a box and food and water and they can run,be together,dig burrows,eat grass,get out of the wire hutch and be rabbits and live a happy/healthy/natural life. I live on a little homestead and have chickens,ducks,garden,compost pile and other things here in the country and might raise my rabbits for food sometime soon but whatever reason your raise them for think about where YOU make them live there whole entire lives at and how you could make it better and for them. And the only reason people raise them in cages is because of easy clean up since the urine and poop falls right through the wire,but that doesn't matter look at there sad live's.
Thank you rabbit raisers for reading this and hope you guys understand where I'm coming from with this and how you could make your rabbits life's better. I know it isn't the easiest task but we could still do something for our rabbits. Here's a page that show's and gives you information on natural or colony rabbit raising and it is very helpful and is a great idea http://raisingrabbitsessentials.com.s3.amazonaws.com/Raising-Rabbits-in-Colonies-fljaoy.pdf Thanks for reading!!

I think you're confusing wild rabbits with domestic rabbits. A wild rabbit is to run. A domestic rabbit is to fricassee. They're not the same.

This thread is getting to mad! CALM down! Before it gets locked! Please and thank you Cassie's right, different ways work for different people. My rabbits are caged how it fits my budget. ( we buy the biggest rabbit cage they have 30" 36" 16" I might have gotten some parts in my size wrong but that's not the point. I get the cages I can afford and that I have room for. Just because some of you have the time and money to build ground in closures doesn't mean the whole world can. So everyone take a breath and CALM down.

Yes please guys,all some people are saying it would get frustrating in a smaller area and yea they would get bored and want out cause they have that urge to get out and just run there little heart out and dig. And know one said anything about the way you specifically raise your rabbits this whole thread is on EVERY caged rabbit so don't try to start anything please let's just keep going on with the thread the way we were thanks!!

I read every post in this thread twice, and I didn't see anyone posting anything that sounded angry. I saw someone disagree with your opinion, and I see you calling for everyone to go on agreeing with everything you say.

I put my new zealand white doe ''Sugar'' in my tractor a little bit ago and the first time she has ever been on grass that I know of,she is loving it actually being a rabbit and hopping around,smelling things,rubbing her scent on the posts,eating grass,hopping in and out of the box. I love it and might put my young new zeland white buck in with her later and see what happens. But I'm glad she is on the ground for a while till I get my meat chicks.

I'm very, very curious how you raise your chickens. Do they sleep in trees in your yard? Is your yard fenced? Because wild chickens are meant to run free, without fences or coops. You should turn all your chickens loose, and be grateful if one drops an egg on your doorstep now and then.

Use them as breeders for dog meat. And show at the same time, but if u did that could u still get more dogs?

Do the dog meat rabbits get a chance to run away? Because real rabbits can run and hide. I think your dogs should have to earn their meal.

Oh, and real dogs in the wild don't pull sleds. People force them to do that against their will.

No not everyone can but this thread is for those that do or wish to free range. Here we can exchange ideas on how to care for and keep them safe.

That was never stated anywhere. The OP was a rant, not a call for people to engage in intelligently considered discourse. So far this thread has been little more than a very one-sided rant.

Now watch how long it takes me to be accused of being angry. Here's my smile that says I'm not: :)
I think you're confusing wild rabbits with domestic rabbits.  A wild rabbit is to run.  A domestic rabbit is to fricassee.  They're not the same.

I read every post in this thread twice, and I didn't see anyone posting anything that sounded angry.  I saw someone disagree with your opinion, and I see you calling for everyone to go on agreeing with everything you say.

I'm very, very curious how you raise your chickens.  Do they sleep in trees in your yard?  Is your yard fenced?  Because wild chickens are meant to run free, without fences or coops.  You should turn all your chickens loose, and be grateful if one drops an egg on your doorstep now and then.

Do the dog meat rabbits get a chance to run away?  Because real rabbits can run and hide.  I think your dogs should have to earn their meal.

Oh, and real dogs in the wild don't pull sleds.  People force them to do that against their will.

Now watch how long it takes me to be accused of being angry.  Here's my smile that says I'm not:   :)

Hi I see no anger just BIT of sarcasm. This thread is a bit one sided but it eludes to that in the title. Many folks who follow this thread do it for ideas on how to improve the lives of the animals in their care. I have caged show rabbits in the past but now only keep pets who are allowed as much freedom as is safely possible (large dog run style cages). My chickens also get the same (3/4 acre run, natural perches, and so on).I realize this isn't possible for many folks but for those of us that choose this method of caretaking this thread is helpful. Constructive criticism, helpful hints, and new ideas are always welcome.Snide remarks aren't necessary.
Do the dog meat rabbits get a chance to run away?  Because real rabbits can run and hide.  I think your dogs should have to earn their meal.

Oh, and real dogs in the wild don't pull sleds.  People force them to do that against their will.

Now watch how long it takes me to be accused of being angry.  Here's my smile that says I'm not:   :)

Actually if a dog doesn't want to run there is NO WAY is single to " force them run against there will"
And that's not being angry. That's someone causing others of some thing and/or red rasing other word. It could be u just don't understand something or I don't know but, don't walk in a conversation pointing out little things. Start by saying hi, and all that good stuff then start SLOWLY, not all at once, start nit picking.
But hi. Do u colony raise rabbits?
You gave off mixed emotions.
Do u colony raise rabbits?

Nope. My opinions are based in an entirely hypothetical set of ethical principals, and my own slightly warped world-view.

I think rabbits must prefer wire cages.

First of all, most people raise rabbits on wire, and if it weren't the best way, everyone wouldn't do it.

Second, wouldn't you rather be in a nice secure home? Caged rabbits are totally safe. A cage closely imitates a rabbit's natural burrow in a lot of ways. They instinctively hide in small, dark places. Cages are small and secure, and can be made dark. Probably most people's rabbit cages are too big, if anything.

Third, The "sense of imprisonment" that you think rabbits feel is a human emotion, I don't think it exists in the animal world. You're ascribing emotions to them that they don't have. Remember, we're dealing with an animal who has a brain the size of a cashew. They're not that complicated.

Look Ma, no sarcasm! :-D
Nope.  My opinions are based in an entirely hypothetical set of ethical principals, and my own slightly warped world-view.  

I think rabbits must prefer wire cages.  

First of all, most people raise rabbits on wire, and if it weren't the best way, everyone wouldn't do it.  

Second, wouldn't you rather be in a nice secure home?   Caged rabbits are totally safe.  A cage closely imitates a rabbit's natural burrow in a lot of ways.  They instinctively hide in small, dark places. Cages are small and secure, and can be made dark.  Probably most people's rabbit cages are too big, if anything.

Third, The "sense of imprisonment" that you think rabbits feel is a human emotion, I don't think it exists in the animal world.  You're ascribing emotions to them that they don't have.  Remember, we're dealing with an animal who has a brain the size of a cashew. They're not that complicated.  

Look Ma, no sarcasm!   :-D

Colony rabbits are safe if the proper set up is in place. I'm doing ether excersise pen with a lot of tunnels and shelfs, or colony life. With the tunnels and shelf. With the preg does in a cage ubove/in the colony pen.
First of all, most people raise rabbits on wire, and if it weren't the best way, everyone wouldn't do it.
Using that theory slavery, wife beating,arranged marriages and believing the world is flat would still be common. Because everyone does it that way.....until there was change.
Sorry Mom...sarcasm.

bye bye now
Using that theory slavery, wife beating,arranged marriages and believing the world is flat would still be common. Because everyone does it that way.....until there was change.
Sorry Mom...sarcasm.

bye bye now

Actually, raising rabbits on wire is, in the scheme of things, relatively new. And it gained in popularity because it works. How you raise your rabbits depends on what you are using them for.

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