Rabbits from TSC?


12 Years
Mar 4, 2007
Im thinking about maybe getting a rabbit from Tractor Supply. I have everything but the feed and the rabbit. The rabbits are still pretty young and probably will be easilly tamed. Will rabbits like this that are worked with become good pets? I have always heard rabbits are bad pets and kick and bite all the time. And should I just get one rabbit or two? Also are female rabbits still friendly if not spayed?
Any other things you rabbit owners can think to mention please do.
As long as you play with it and hold it she wil tame down . I just bought 2 rabbits From the TSC near me and they are already settle down and are very friendly . One of them will hopp over to me if i put my head near him and actualy licks my lips lol . I got 2 i felt bad . Even though i heard they dont need a friend i got 2 any ways . I used to have a jersey wooly that wasnt spayed and she was the best rabbit i have ever had !
Do you keep both in the same cage? And do you have any idea what breed?
Mine has Lion Head rabbits and I think Rex...mini rex probably.
Mine are mini rex or rex didnt say but they also had what looked to be english spots but they are prom mixed breeds lol .
i keep mine in the same cage . I got a male and a female so i may end up with babies but i aint gunna complian lol .
Don't get a male if you don't want to get it fixed. My male is so frustrating, he sprays up your ankles 2 or 3 times every time you go in with him, and he tries to breed everything. I haven't had a doe so I don't know how they are on the whole, but i've been around ones with a litter and they are pretty grouchy.

I wouldn't recommend buying a bunny from a feedstore or petstore. Being around so many other babies from different suppliers, there is a higher chance of disease and parasites. I got mine from a petstore, and he was at the vet's within a week with a respiratory infection, and then back a couple of months later with terrible worms. They were so bad he was pooping just worms and we almost lost him. He was an indoor rabbit and lived by himself, so had contracted them before I got him.
My husband and little girl came home with a rabbit from TSC two days ago.

It's a female, couldn't tell you what kind, but she has tolerated my 5 year old for two days without biting or scratching, so I'm happy with her.

Our local TSC had 4H rabbits, so they were well socialized when we got them.

Where in PA are you?
We might be going to the same TSC.

Im outside of State College. I think I will stick with just getting one and see how she does.
I have rasied rabbits and showed them for over 15 years, for a pet get a male, as when females become of breeding age, they can be quite nasty. What ever you do, do not keep rabbits in the same cage, because sooner or later that poor male well get castrated by the female and if they do have babies he will kill them. plus when they get older they will fight as rabbits are extremly territorial. hope that helps.
Im about 50/50 on whether or not to get a rabbit. If I get one I want it to be a female. But I have a lot happening right now so I might want to take a rain check on a rabbit. I will have to wait and see.

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