
Thats fine, you can get the pictures when ever you want
Omg today was spelling bee and I forgot about the picture! I still got everything correct though😄 Here

At this point I already can see brownish spots so, yayy I will have a brown baby!
So I dont know whats up with colored babies but they never drink milk. Anyways, I am feeding the brown one saline every 2 hours. Here they are, and pls the white ones are so fat -
View attachment 2757801
Big sister is so cute aww -
View attachment 2757802
What is saline? Is it just the young coloured one thats not eating? Rabbits only feed their young twice a day, if you need to hand feed then you can do it three times a day. You can sit with the mother on your lap with space in between your legs to put the kit so it can eat a bit or you can remove the fatter ones for one feeding time
What is saline? Is it just the young coloured one thats not eating? Rabbits only feed their young twice a day, if you need to hand feed then you can do it three times a day. You can sit with the mother on your lap with space in between your legs to put the kit so it can eat a bit or you can remove the fatter ones for one feeding time
Yes, the young colored one. Mum has fed everyone else, tries to feed it, it doesnt latch on feed. So I contacted an doctor and he told me to feed it saline (a drug) every 2 hours. It was most likely born weak and will start eating on its own in a few days. I had done the same for the black one from the previous litter so hopefully no worries😉

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