RAIN-------What do you do


12 Years
It;s pouring rain outside and when i turned my RIR's out of their coop they ran out into the run but their feeder is uncovered and the layer crumbles quickly became a gooey mess. They weren't really interested in that and just sorta looked at me. what does anyone else do in a situation like this?I can't feed them inside the coop due to all the hay and poop, if it was just hay i wouldn't worry but I keep about 5 inches of hay in there and with them roosting over it , I don't want them scratching thru all that mess to look for something to eat.

Mother to 24 RIR's. 1 pit bull,1 poodle mix 1adorable yorkie 1 cat, and baby sitting 1 great Dane, and best of all 1dh of 54 years.
You could buy a covered feeder that's meant to be used outside, make a covered area for your existing feeder or roof part of your run. Even tarps over some type of support can be used. It really just depends on your budget, how handy you are, what you've got laying around and what you want to do.

Earlier this year, I used an old resin patio table to cover a black rubber feed tub, to make a dust bath that would stay dry in the rain. Often people have different things around that can be used.
Half of our run is covered with a tarp. While it may not be the prettiest thing, it does keep our hanging feeders feed dry and gives the flock a chance to be out without getting wet, too.


Hope this helps!

Could you put a hanging feeder in your coop? You can adjust the height to about 8" off the ground, and out of the floor mess.

If that doesn't work you will need to find a way to cover your feeder. Wet food is not good.

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