Rainbow Lizards?!


Country Girl[IMG]emojione/assets/png/2665.png?v=2.
9 Years
Sep 25, 2010
I was looking a pics of lizards and one showed up and it was a RAINBOW lizard!
Where can I get them at?! Or are they wilds and can't be caught?!
Does anyone own them?!?!

Have you seen "Spiderman Lizards?" Also a very cool creature. Lizards like that are not my favorite to own. They aren't as handleable as the onese I have and are kind of skittish - although they are pretty to look at! I have about 15 Crested Geckos at the moment! You should check them out online. They come in a variety of colors/patterns, don't require heat and don't need to eat insects to be healthy.

Do you currently keep any reptiles?
What other species can you think of that are called "Rainbow Lizard" other than the Cnemidophorus lemniscatus? There's the Agama agama, which is often called The Rainbow Agama..... but I'm curious to know if you can think of others. Mabuya quinquetaeniata? Tracheloptychus petersi?

I think the Cnemidophorus lemniscatus is the most commonly found "Rainbow Lizard" in the common pet trade - aside from specialty shows that the general public doesn't visit as often....
The OP did not specify if they were looking at lizards commonly in the pet trade, or if they were refering to a regional name. Some of the lizards more commonly refered to as 'Rainbow Lizards" include:
- Agama agama
- Cnemidophorus lemniscatus
- Ameiva undulata
- Platysaurus broadleyi

- Tracheloptychus petersi
- Cnemidophorus deppei
- And then there are probably others I am unaware of

Hence asking for specification from the OP. Ie. Linking to the photo they are speaking of.

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