Rainwater good or not ?

Wow ! That's a great looking water feeder, glad to see someone is actually doing it. I thought my idea wasn't gonna work.
I knew it could be done just wasn't sure how safe it was. Thanks so much , I feel a lot better now to tell my husband to go for it !
Do you use the ACV full strength on your roof ?
Wow ! That's a great looking water feeder, glad to see someone is actually doing it. I thought my idea wasn't gonna work.
I knew it could be done just wasn't sure how safe it was. Thanks so much , I feel a lot better now to tell my husband to go for it !
Do you use the ACV full strength on your roof ?
I love when it rains. I have the gutter from my coop that fill both my chicken water and my duck pool. Never had a problem in 4 years. Figure its just ask good if not better then my well water.
Wow ! That's a great looking water feeder, glad to see someone is actually doing it. I thought my idea wasn't gonna work.
I knew it could be done just wasn't sure how safe it was. Thanks so much , I feel a lot better now to tell my husband to go for it !
Do you use the ACV full strength on your roof ?

My barrel is 20 gal. and I just add a cup or 2. I have never measured but have never had a problem with algae and/or bugs. Good luck to you.
I have a plan to build a catch system off the roof of my coop. But for now I just use a series of 5 gallon buckets to catch the run off. The chickens choose their water in this order.
1) muddy ground water
2) rain water in a waterer
3) tap water in the waterer.

I figure if rain water works for animals in nature, it should be fine for my birds.
When I first started in chickens about 5 years ago, I read up on all the "right" ways to raise chickens. I had all the right amount of nest boxes, great waterer and feeder. It didn't take me long to find out that my chicken didn't read those books!!! The first thing they would do is run to a dirty puddle or run to the horse trough and nearly break their necks to get to the water. So I'm guessing rain water would be fine! I know one thing, I have gotten some good ideas for a collection system!!

Thanks guys!
I wish I could do this, but collecting rainwater in CO is illegal (yes I can hardly believe it either, as I'm originally from the UK) - there are other states that have the same law apparently.

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