Raising and caring for ducklings

I have 2 three week old khaki campbells. At what age should I give them fresh greens and what kind? Then grit as well? Having a little trouble following the threads on my tablet so I apologize if this is a repeat!
You are fine, no apologies necessary. First they need a little grit - a teaspoon on their food once a day for a few days. Then a small handful of greens for the two of them. Don't want them to pop!! I used chick grit for my runners.

And chop it up finely before feeding it. I would float chopped lettuce in a shallow water bowl for the runner babies.
You are fine, no apologies necessary. First they need a little grit - a teaspoon on their food once a day for a few days. Then a small handful of greens for the two of them. Don't want them to pop!! I used chick grit for my runners.

And chop it up finely before feeding it. I would float chopped lettuce in a shallow water bowl for the runner babies.
Mine seem to enjoy getting their treats in the water too. Something about the stuff floating in the water is more fun to them:)
You can get a powder product at TSC called Sav-a-Chick. There are other products, but that's what I use most often and I can reliably see a difference after 3 or so days. You mix one packet powder with I think 32 oz of water. (Check the fine print to be sure on the proper way to mix it up). It will also say to be sure that you offer plain water in addition to the vitamins-added water. However, with ducklings, I don't necessarily think you have to, since ducklings will go thru water so quickly. What I've done is offer one container of vitamin-added water, then I go check 2 hrs later, and of course that water is empty and the brooder's soaked. So then I'll offer plain water. And alternate that way. The point is, you just want the ducklings to get enough to get perked up, you don't want to overdose them on vitamins. If that's even possible, I don't know.

My gut instinct is that shipping was just too stressful on the one that you lost, or for whatever reason, that duckling just wasn't strong enough to pull thru. I know it is difficult- last Spring I bought 4 Runners after wanting them for a really long time. One died within 2 hours of me bringing it home. Sometimes there's just nothing you can do, and I'm sorry to say that but it's true. I hope that your remaining ducklings perk up and thrive for you! Glad to hear that the hatchery was helpful. That is always nice!

Wonderful advice! Thank you again! I am on my way to TSC right now for some more supplies. I will make sure to pick up the Sav-a-Chick (or something similar.)

At this point though, I will probably just keep it on hand for next time since, great news!
They have all perked up! And they are starting to walk normally and behave like baby ducklings!

I think you are correct about the shipping being too stressful. It is tough, not the first time we lost one through shipping, but it does happen on occasion.
Hopefully, we will be good on ordering for awhile now since we are at maximum capacity!

I know what you mean about wanting to get Runners for a long time. I am the same with the Blue Swedish's! I wanted to have Runners in our flock too, but I was afraid they would be too fast for me. The Swedish are nice and slow!

Now, on to figuring out why our chickens are acting cuckoo. I think this winter been really tough...on everyone!

Idas Chickens
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Hi! getting a couple of muscovies.. have a couple questions about the ducklings.
How long until they can swim in shallow water with no risk of drowning?
How long until I put them in the coop?
Does anyone know how big the hatchlings?

Does anyone have any tips for a new owner? I've done tons of research, but just curious. :)
Hi! getting a couple of muscovies.. have a couple questions about the ducklings.
How long until they can swim in shallow water with no risk of drowning?
How long until I put them in the coop?
Does anyone know how big the hatchlings?

Does anyone have any tips for a new owner? I've done tons of research, but just curious. :)

Have you seen this link?


I wouldn't leave ducklings unattended in water for quite some time.. a little now and then is okay but they must be dried off well, chill kills many a duckling and Muscovy as a whole are not that waterproof compared to mallard derived.

In the coop will depend on temps and even at night you may need extra heat, my temps are terrible right now.. super cold.

HOw big the hatchlings? what do you mean? they are pretty small despite the long term outcome being large waterfowl.

some of mine from a year ago.. sorry lighting isn't the best they were out in the barn with their mama and hatched in March so still cold.

It's true! I think being cooped up all winter was tough on them, too.
We always opened up their pop hole on the coop, but our ladies REFUSED to step one chicken toe out into the cold! All winter I had to spread some sort of ground cover around and then lure them out with treats, just so they could get some fresh air. (They were being very picky at each other once the weather got really cold and snowy). We added all sort of things (we are new to this..); more nesting boxes, "better diet" (something that supplemented all the bugs and greens they were missing on...), flock block (expensive but they last a long time and the girls love it!), vitamins in water, indoor sand pit to dust in....all sorts of things! FINALLY, they are getting happy....so, yeah, SPRING!

I've got to say, we have three 1 year old drakes, and they are CAKE compared to the chickens! At least through the winter. They LOVE the "bad weather", which they think it great...and we didn't have any medical problems with them either (i.e, no frostbite!) Not to say they can't make their own trouble....but boy, they sure do seem easier.

And my new ducklings are also doing great! Thanks again for the support everyone!

I got some Sav-A-Chick and gave it to them all. Worked like a charm!
I did need to separate the smaller one that was a bit more wobbly, for the night. Gave her a nice snuggly stuffed animal and kept her warm. Kept the food soft, made sure she was eating and drinking...gave her some space and resting time. By the next day, I was able to put her back with her sisters (with some very close monitoring, of course) and now she is doing wonderfully! I can barely tell her apart from the other three now.

Hope everyone is having a happy Spring so far!

Idas Chickens

EDIT: Oops. This was supposed to be a reply to Searsmom in re: to her Spring comment. I don't know what happened (or how to fix it.)
Sorry for the confusion.
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Pekin crossed with KC will = a nice sized duck that looks like a Sweede in coloring.

We have a flock combo of KC, BS and Snowy/wild mallards. They are so visually appealing and such fun to watch!

We have three drakes and needed to get them a flock of hens (hoping everyone will get along okay. We got 10 hens...hope it's enough...). We do plan on separating everyone too....
Somewhere I have pictures. I keep meaning to take pics of the babies (mostly blue and black Swedish) while they are still tiny, but finding time in between chores is tough!

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