Raising Baby Chick-Along

Well, today is "moving chicks out of the house day!" A day celebrated by all those who have had chicks living in their homes since November - a day when serious cleaning and dusting of said homes will commence - a day when little chicks stand eye-to-eye, or eye-to-knee-cap (through a fence) with big chickens - a day when little chicks get to dust bathe in real dirt - it's truly the July 4 for chicken-mommies everywhere!!
My turkey's and ducks are moving in with week old chickens in the brooder. Then I need to build two chicken houses and move the 9 week olds to pasture.
My turkey's and ducks are moving in with week old chickens in the brooder. Then I need to build two chicken houses and move the 9 week olds to pasture.
I have a partially built chicken house just sitting outside my garage. I started it just before temps skyrocketed and need to get back to it. I even purchased all the wire for the run to go with it...just.need.the.inspiration.to.finish.... summertime, you have made me slothful! :)
In my case, I can truly say that working on the coop and run right now would be dangerous. The heat index in triple digits every darn day. HE has gotten over his sciatica somewhat, but the heat is killer around here with the humidity as high as it's been. I've been cutting boards little by little and doing the prep bit by bit. If we just keep pecking at it (pun intended), we'll get it done by the time we need it. Thankfully the run is pretty much already done. Just needs the hardware cloth around and over the chain link dog run. I've got the paint (leftover turquoise exterior) so I can even prepaint parts before assembly. The garage isn't really cool, but at least it's shaded.
Oh, today it rains. Pours, drizzles, pours again. Wishing I had more rain barrels. Mine are all full, along with all my reused kitty litter jugs and the pond. I know sure as shootin' it's going to be dry at some point and I'll be praying for rain.

Oh well, more time to spend watching the biddies.
Today's hatch...:wee
Well, today is "moving chicks out of the house day!" A day celebrated by all those who have had chicks living in their homes since November - a day when serious cleaning and dusting of said homes will commence - a day when little chicks stand eye-to-eye, or eye-to-knee-cap (through a fence) with big chickens - a day when little chicks get to dust bathe in real dirt - it's truly the July 4 for chicken-mommies everywhere!!

i had 2 little OEGBs inside for a couple weeks since the mom gave up on them, and i hatched them in the Bator. Today i chanced giving them back to her (absolutely noisiest chicks i have ever had, OEGBs are normally very quiet!) and momma Harriett took them!! :wee

Had to make room for 14 lav orps that hatched. I set 18, had a couple clears, and a couple early blood rings. 100% hatch of those that made it past day 7. :ya

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Oh. Ok. Poult poult poult poult DUCK!

There. Fixed. :lau

:lau love it!
Adorable chicks/poults/ducks!!!! I have nothing hatching for the next few days.

I did re-home 11 roosters today - I brought them to the feed store. Bantam EE's, Golden Laced Sebrights, a silkie, Ayam Cemani crosses and a BEATIFUL all white one. I still have 4 crowers to deal with, and a ton of little babies that will soon be crowing. But, 10 was the feed stores limit.... I was hoping he wasn't counting them as I unloaded.

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