Raising Baby Chick-Along

Adorable chicks/poults/ducks!!!! I have nothing hatching for the next few days.

I did re-home 11 roosters today - I brought them to the feed store. Bantam EE's, Golden Laced Sebrights, a silkie, Ayam Cemani crosses and a BEATIFUL all white one. I still have 4 crowers to deal with, and a ton of little babies that will soon be crowing. But, 10 was the feed stores limit.... I was hoping he wasn't counting them as I unloaded.
Haha.. it's like when you order chicks or eggs- there should always be at least one extra!!! :lau
i had 2 little OEGBs inside for a couple weeks since the mom gave up on them, and i hatched them in the Bator. Today i chanced giving them back to her (absolutely noisiest chicks i have ever had, OEGBs are normally very quiet!) and momma Harriett took them!! :wee

Had to make room for 14 lav orps that hatched. I set 18, had a couple clears, and a couple early blood rings. 100% hatch of those that made it past day 7. :ya

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:lau love it!
Those lavender orps and so darn cute. I'm going to try them next spring. I moved all the brooding equipment out today and promised myself not to get it out again until November. The chick market here is done for the most part. So, I'm just going to grow everyone out and take stock in a couple months to see what I'll have for next season.
Those lavender orps and so darn cute. I'm going to try them next spring. I moved all the brooding equipment out today and promised myself not to get it out again until November. The chick market here is done for the most part. So, I'm just going to grow everyone out and take stock in a couple months to see what I'll have for next season.

Thanks! I think I'm done with the incubator, now if the broodies will stop! But that's doubtful! I did learn to just give them a few (3-4) eggs and they are just as happy as they would be with 8 or 9!
I sold 2 trios of OEGBs today and had presold 10 of the lav orps. One of the customers decided to buy the extras too! Yay! Although, that's yet another hatch of them that i don't get to keep any. Maybe my black split will hatch some yet. She's been sitting for 2 months!
So, I must be destined to have at least one chicken in the house at all times. I declared, "Our house is finally chicken free" standing right next to the hen who is convalescing,on our ottoman, from her horrible run-in with fly strike. She's going to be in the house for a long time... so technically we are "chick free" indoors, just not "chicken free."
Btw: she finally started eating today - whew, looked for a while like we were about to have to learn how to tube feed a chicken!!
Well, today is "moving chicks out of the house day!"

Yesterday was that day for mine, as well! These little monsters are only three weeks old, but it is THAT hot down here, and they were very excited to see sunshine and take their first dirt baths. They still have some down on their heads but are mostly feathered on their bodies. They handled their first outdoor night like champs! They've also now discovered BUGS and are having a great time hunting. The big chickens have expressed interest but not shown any real aggression. It helps that my bossy Easter Egger is currently broody (at only 9 months old!) and therefore not paying any attention to the new arrivals. We'll see what happens if/when her eggs hatch in about two weeks...The little Australorp is already puffing up her chest and trying to stare down the older birds; she may have a rude awakening come integration time!

Yesterday was that day for mine, as well! These little monsters are only three weeks old, but it is THAT hot down here, and they were very excited to see sunshine and take their first dirt baths. They still have some down on their heads but are mostly feathered on their bodies. They handled their first outdoor night like champs! They've also now discovered BUGS and are having a great time hunting. The big chickens have expressed interest but not shown any real aggression. It helps that my bossy Easter Egger is currently broody (at only 9 months old!) and therefore not paying any attention to the new arrivals. We'll see what happens if/when her eggs hatch in about two weeks...The little Australorp is already puffing up her chest and trying to stare down the older birds; she may have a rude awakening come integration time!

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Seriously one of my very favorite things is watching little chickies dust bathe!!! I was a little worried about that final group that went outdoors, but when I went to check on them, one of the little guys was doing the big "shake" after a dust bath - the true sign that they're going to be fine...just fine!
And in other news... sometimes being a chicken parent is frustrating... I think one of my chicks (the little pullet Skipper skipped out on) might have Coccidiosis. So we treated the flock for yet another thing and the new count is two...two, that's right, 2 chickens in the house. I feel like a parent whose kids decide to stay home and take a third year in Junior college...oh no... wait... I AM that parent! They.Just.Won't.Leave. :lau:th
My little flock has settled in very nicely. I've backed off the heat pad even more, as it's about 90 degrees in that room, only getting down to 87 at night in the brooder, per my min/max recording thermometer. I switched to a larger feeder (trough style). More room for more chicks to eat at the same time. If they continue to seem not to need the heat mat, I'll remove it next week and just give them a huddle box. That'll also give them more room in there. Might add some little perches too, as I've noted them trying to roost on the trough feeder. I'm continuing to offer water with vitamins and electrolytes alongside plain water since it's so hot. They seem to prefer the additives.

They are growing like weeds. I'll get their one week old photos tomorrow and post some. HE didn't see them yesterday, today he said "They HAVE grown!" I can tell the Delaware girls are a tad smaller as a group than the others, but all 25 are active and seem to be doing well.

@orrpeople I feel your pain, at least as far as the human kids not leaving the nest. HE's nearly 30 year old son came back about 3 1/2 years ago with his wife " for a few months until we find a place". Still here. :confused:

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