Raising Baby Chick-Along

View attachment 1111863 Cha ching! Good for you, Wink. I just have kittens to sell and still have all of them. People don't want to part with money.
The only kittens we ever sold were a few Manx, a real long time ago (pre-kids if there was ever such a time?) - but they had so many health issues that we stopped doing it. Currently we have 2 male tabbys that we adore - who have successfully evaded the coyote population in our area for 7 years!
Aww, Tara! How old is she? I have a few I bought before I knew about the "production breed" issues. Besides that, they are super personality packed little things, and I could totally see myself letting them live out their "golden" years inside the house! :)
This is Delilah - right now I'm doing "get your little self out of that tree" duty, so I'm spending some time with my chooks.
View attachment 1111897

Tara is about 2-1/2. Front half looks like Delilah, but not the back half! How's she so white on the back? Lol
Love that 55 cockerel, he's stunning! Poor rejected fella, I'd take him. :lol:

East coast, I'm out too. Night nite peeps!
Tara is about 2-1/2. Front half looks like Delilah, but not the back half! How's she so white on the back? Lol
Love that 55 cockerel, he's stunning! Poor rejected fella, I'd take him. :lol:

East coast, I'm out too. Night nite peeps!
She probably is favoring the leghorn in the mix somewhere. She's my only one with a white bottom. Definitely one of my favorite birds - when kids visit, she shows off by jumping up to get treats.
Good night friend! :)
@Jessimom - where have you been?? I've been missing seeing you around these parts! :)
Hi, I just drove out to VA, spent a few days cleaning up my rental property to maybe sell, and am driving home now. Internet was spotty back there. I've missed everyone too!!! Lots of posts to catch up on.
Here are the chicks! 20170816_121848.jpg

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