Raising Baby Chick-Along

Here is Lucy Maud with her babies - she hatched three blue chicks (Toby is definitely the papa) a couple days ago, but she's so protective it took me a long time to get pics (without losing a finger!).
2017-08-22 09.38.27.jpg
20170822_165311.jpg Mine are growing! I need to get pictures. Most afternoons i turn their light bulb off so they don't get overheated.
The coop is progressing well. I worked on the skylight more, which involves getting up on the roof. Not fun if you ask me, but it needed to be done. The back door is on, and has a pull and a latch now. The roof edge is done. Touched up some areas with paint. Worked on the divider. Thinking one more day and that will be done. Tomorrow, shopping for cat vaccine, hinges, etc. Since it is supposed to rain.
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