Raising Baby Chick-Along


Correct, I see only boys...

I think these Polish are girls. They stay inside, so it's harder to take their picture....

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Definitely girls...

Funny how some will venture and some won't, huh?

I'm not sure if i mentioned Tara, my last surviving golden comet, the oldest chicken I still have. She was at my farm, and i had moved one of my "un-needed" roosters with her after she lost her rooster. Still had 3 or 4 sisters left at that point. But anyway, since Tara and Armand were the last 2, i decided to bring them home, and open up my double coop/run the entire thing for my lav orps.

Well Tara has been a long time free-ranger, automatic door on dusk/dawn sensor, had run of the whole farm. So now that she is at my house, she doesn't understand the yard fence. Lol!

Hubby was out at his garage (detached, a ways away from the house) and he saw her go under the gate. The neighbor was chit-chatting with him, and gets a kick out of my chicken addiction. So hubby yells for Tara. Neighbor says "this chicken is not going to come to you" ... Wrong! She ran right to him.

The bad news is, my other young "yard birds" are starting to follow her around, i found them digging and dust bathing in my flower bed. :(

Here she is, out by the flag pole, all by her lonesome.
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she comes inside if a door is left open, and demands a bowl of food and water :D
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Omg! I love a bossy adventure bird....lol! Kinda earn it in their senior yearsmy girls come running when we call too!
Folks, I made a huge mistake today... I generally go into the pasture, fill all the feed troughs and water bowls and then let the kids out of lock down. I was late going up today, so I got the brilliant idea to let the kids out and then fill everything. BAD idea!:oops:

They came running out of their various shelters and houses right to the food and water containers. Oops, nothing in there.:barnie Oh were the kids unhappy. I had a terrible time getting to the food container and stored buckets as they were all around my feed and yelling at me.:oops:

From now on, food and water first, doors open second.:barnie:th:he
Folks, I made a huge mistake today... I generally go into the pasture, fill all the feed troughs and water bowls and then let the kids out of lock down. I was late going up today, so I got the brilliant idea to let the kids out and then fill everything. BAD idea!:oops:

They came running out of their various shelters and houses right to the food and water containers. Oops, nothing in there.:barnie Oh were the kids unhappy. I had a terrible time getting to the food container and stored buckets as they were all around my feed and yelling at me.:oops:

From now on, food and water first, doors open second.:barnie:th:he
Lol.. they are SERIOUS about their food and routine:lau must never mess with either or they will let you know :oops:
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Cap! Your coop is BEAUTIFUL! Got any time to come build mine...lol!!!??? We too want to build a goat barn but not even a consideration until maybe this spring?
Thanks, i am doing my best to get it operational. I finished the divider today. Cut one pop door, made a frame for it. Dug a ditch, attached wire to the coop and buried it. Three more sides to go. Cut four pieces for a feeder and painted them. Three more pieces will be needed tomorrow.
Already had one invite to help build someone's coop, it would be fun but i never get a vacation because of the animals. But they are worth it! I am trying to draw up a design for the goat shelter that won't scare my husband. I told him i was only going to get 6 goats. I want them to have lots of space so i can keep them inside when they kid. I will figure it out. 20170825_162736.jpg The divider, has chicken wire on the open areas. The back door is open, as you can see outside.
Hi all!! Just caught up.on 2 weeks worth of events and adventures here on the thread! School year started and life got CRAZY! Finished our second week and students are settling in..classroom is rolling...so time for some BYC :woot so my girl Fiona hatched on April 24th laid her first egg!!! It is sooooo tiny!


This is taken next to a store medium grade..LOL! Hubby might need a whole dozen for one omelet :lau bantam baby pets....love them! Sister Sydney just looked at her like she was crazy hanging out in that nest box throwing fluff all over her! Just you wait little Sydney...your time is coming
Thanks, i am doing my best to get it operational. I finished the divider today. Cut one pop door, made a frame for it. Dug a ditch, attached wire to the coop and buried it. Three more sides to go. Cut four pieces for a feeder and painted them. Three more pieces will be needed tomorrow.
Already had one invite to help build someone's coop, it would be fun but i never get a vacation because of the animals. But they are worth it! I am trying to draw up a design for the goat shelter that won't scare my husband. I told him i was only going to get 6 goats. I want them to have lots of space so i can keep them inside when they kid. I will figure it out.View attachment 1121224 The divider, has chicken wire on the open areas. The back door is open, as you can see outside.
I love it!!! What kind of goats are you getting? We want 2 pygmy goats...but not sure what breed yet. They are pets also like our 2 hens I'd it horrible that i just want 2 if everything like Noahs ark because I just want them all as pets? Shhhhh...don't tell hubby..lol

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