Raising Baby Chick-Along

You need pens within pens within pens.
Yeah, i have the chicken area fenced and the run is chain link. Going to hook up an electric fence too. Husband found claw marks on our front deck this morning! Right into that heavy duty deck material that never rots. But the creepy part is, there are only 3 parallel lines, not 4.
I've got to move my kids out of the brooder tomorrow. ARG! Another shelter in a few weeks:he
I totally feel your pain. I'm looking at some crowding happening as the "little" chickens become "big" chickens....but at 109 degrees outside, the desire to be out building anything is pretty low. Sigh.
Speaking of weather, I've been concerned about our @NorthTexasWink - any news on the hurricane front from her?
Oh my goodness. I think i may be going crazy! I took a dozen eggs to church for a family who wasn't there, then left them (accidentally) in the trunk of my car in the car port. Don't know how hot it got in there, but threw them in an incubator on the off chance they started to develop. I think, probably not. But, I couldn't just throw them away without knowing for sure. 5 days to find out... :th
I have heavy duty preds here, including bears. A tarp is not going to do.
Do you have a couple outdoor pooches? I'm pretty sure the only reason i still have chickens at all is because of Princess and Zoomer. They aren't even "official" livestock guardian types, just a couple of Kelpie crosses that we spent, I don't know, a thousand hours and several hundreds of pounds of treats training to live with the chickens (okay, i exaggerate a tiny bit, but it was LOTS on both accounts!).
For some reason, even the big animals are not interested in our yard (although if the ridiculous birds perch super high in a tree, the raccoons will get them) with those two "on patrol". I know dogs aren't the answer for everyone, we just really lucked out with them! :)
I totally feel your pain. I'm looking at some crowding happening as the "little" chickens become "big" chickens....but at 109 degrees outside, the desire to be out building anything is pretty low. Sigh.
Speaking of weather, I've been concerned about our @NorthTexasWink - any news on the hurricane front from her?

she was posting on a hurricane thread and Texas thread, doing updates for folks that had no power. She's been off for a while now tho.

Do you have a couple outdoor pooches? I'm pretty sure the only reason i still have chickens at all is because of Princess and Zoomer. They aren't even "official" livestock guardian types, just a couple of Kelpie crosses that we spent, I don't know, a thousand hours and several hundreds of pounds of treats training to live with the chickens (okay, i exaggerate a tiny bit, but it was LOTS on both accounts!).
For some reason, even the big animals are not interested in our yard (although if the ridiculous birds perch super high in a tree, the raccoons will get them) with those two "on patrol". I know dogs aren't the answer for everyone, we just really lucked out with them! :)
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My dogs don't really take care of my chickens, but they don't bother them either. yesterday, my pug and i walked out the door and a wild rabbit was sitting amongst the call ducks out in the yard. He went straight for that rabbit. It ran toward the back of the yard, did a 180 and ran back to the front and out thru the front fence, beyond his reach, but he was hot on its tail the whole way! :D

he still chases the rabbits and squirrels, but not the chicks. Even the little ones now. I'm amazed that he learned the difference so easily. He's a pug! Lol
I totally feel your pain. I'm looking at some crowding happening as the "little" chickens become "big" chickens....but at 109 degrees outside, the desire to be out building anything is pretty low. Sigh.
Speaking of weather, I've been concerned about our @NorthTexasWink - any news on the hurricane front from her?
Wink has been doing a lot of reporting on what she hears from others and sees on tv. Check out the hurricane threads.

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